1. Resilient Hope
Prayer for peace
Bishop Lewis praying for peace and reconciliation where the team can see a village in North Korea
Western Annual Confernce
Western Annual Conference is an Annual Conference remembering the churches in North Korea. There is a group, in the Korean Methodist Church, who prepares and prays for plans for the churches in North Korea in the time of reunification.
2. Prayer
Dawn Prayer Meetings, 24-hour intercessory prayer rooms, Prayer Mountains (retreat centers), Prayer closets…prayer is at the core of the spiritual disciplines of Korean Methodists.
Prayer closet
Prayer closet at Kwanglim Prayer Mountain. There are 44 for men and 44 for women. There are rooms for individuals to come and pray in private.
Map of Prayer trail
There is a prayer trail at Kwanglim Prayer Mountain, where you walk and pray at each station
Myeongsung Presbyterian Church
We participated in the Dawn prayer meeting at 6am. There were 1,500 members gathered and they host 4 morning prayers a day, starting at 5am.
Vietnam Partnership Meeting
Prayer is essential to the work of Mission. Representatives from the Virginia Conference, the UMC Global Ministries Asia Regional Office, the Korean Methodist Mission Board, and the Vietnam Mission Society pray together for God’s guidance in collaborating for God’s mission in Vietnam.
3. Vision
Kwanglim Methodist Logo
When the foundations of Kwanglim church were dug, there flowed out water and a fish – this logo shows the three areas of Jesus’ ministry – teaching, healing and mission.
4. Reverence for a historical context that guides service.
Foreign Missionary Cemetery Memorial Church
100th Anniversary Memorial Church, commemorating Centennial of the arriving of missionaries to Korea. The church is entrusted to care for the cemetery.
Kwanglim History Wall
The history of the church is also important, such as this “history wall” that teaches the value of what has been shared over the years.
5. Mission-oriented discipleship
The church grows as each division of the church undertakes to sponsor mission sites around the city, country, or beyond.
Mission Wall
The World is my Parish – John Wesley: a quote lived out by Kwanglim church’s “mission wall”.
Emphasis on Mission
A banner in the Kwanglim’s History Room (museum) that highlights their focus of mission.
Mission of Korean Methodist Church
Rev. Susan Nam presents a summary of the Korean Methodist Mission Board work in Vietnam.
6. Abundant generosity and hospitality
These attributes are deeply a part of the culture and an expression of faith.
JSA tour
Each team member received a gift from the Commander that arranged the JSA tour: a “We go together” ROK-USA cap and a medallion.
Female Clergy Association
Bishop Lewis presents the President of the South Seoul Conference Clergywomen’s association a Virginia Conference etched paperweight.
KMC Headquarters
President Bishop Dr. Chul Lee (over all the 12 Korean Methodist Annual Conferences) receives a communion set from Bishop Lewis.
Hospitality of KMC
Generous snacks are provided after the meeting with President Bishop Lee, and shared with conversation and guidance from Bishop Kim of the South Seoul Annual Conference.
Kwanglim’s gift
Bishop Chungsuk Kim presents Bishop Lewis with a calligraphy banner of the Prayer of Jabez
Vietnam Mission Society
Rev. Dr. Jun-doo Kim, Secretary of the KMC Mission, Vietnam receives a copy of Bishop Lewis’ book.
Hospitality of Holy Flames Methodist
Holy Flames’ Coffeeshop provided snacks and drinks before our join mission meeting
7. Beauty, and attention to detail
Cross Exhibit
Holy flames Lenten challenge was the creation of a cross in any medium. The display shows the work of many participants of all ages.
Kwanglim Methodist Church
Note the detail incorporated in all pews and chairs for worship – there is a shelf for placing your Bible (or device) and bulletin, etc. for participation in worship. Some are retractable, others are not. Usually there is a hook underneath for purses (before the pandemic, people could sit shoulder to shoulder, since the pandemic worshipers are socially distanced).
Kwanglim Methodist art
Laughing Jesus – gift of art by a mouth artist who found his purpose in life by coming to know Jesus through the church’s art ministry.
Kwanglim Prayer Mountian
John Wesley’s story in art at the entrance of Kwanglim Prayer Mountain chapel.
Kwanglim Prayer Mountian
Detail of door in Prayer Mountain meeting rooms. We discovered the many talents of Rev. Soonjung Kwon (in doorway), as he was the designer of the renovations at this Prayer Mountain Chapel, as well as the Nazareth Chapel in Kwanglim! Talk about a “detail person”!