The purpose of the Board of Laity is to challenge, inspire and equip the laity of the Virginia conference for ministry in our churches and the world. To do this, the board is organized into four Regional Prayer/Work groups. These groups serve as conduits for advocacy, communications, networking, mentoring, and training.
As United Methodists, we believe that each of us is indeed a minister called through our baptism to the work of mission or ministry in all areas of our lives. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be lifelong learners, encouraged to use our influence to transform lives, and moved to action in our communities through service. Some of us are set aside by action of the denomination for ordained ministry. All of us as laity – the whole people of God – are called to continue the work of Christ for the redemption of the world. In partnership with our clergy, the role of the laity is to be the church in the world today.
Lay Servant Ministries are a vital component of the work of the Board of Laity. Committed lay persons who have become either local church or certified Lay Servants serve Christ in a myriad of ways — in local care communities, as teachers and small group leaders, mentors, youth coordinators, and more. For more information about Lay Servant Ministries, click here.
Laity Sunday celebrates the ministry of all Christians to love God and all people. The 3rd Sunday in October is the date set aside as Laity Sunday, but of course if another date is better, that’s fine. On Laity Sunday, we lift up the vocation of all (lay and clergy) to follow Jesus Christ and lead others to him. Visit Discipleship Ministries for more resources.
For additional information about the work of the Board of Laity, visit the specific pages of our website, reach out to our Conference Lay Leader, or contact the Discipleship & Congregational Vitality Ministries Office.
June 11, 2023 — Click here to read a letter from the Conference Lay Leaders.