Coastal Virginia Training Weekend
Chesapeake: Saturday, March 1st
Eastern Shore: Sunday, March 2nd
click on the toggle icon or location name to learn more:
Registration begins at 8:30 am
Welcome and Worship and Plenary: 9 am
Break: 10-10:15 am
1st Workshop: 10:15-11:45 am
Lunch: 11:45-12:45
2nd Workshop: 1-2:30 pm
Session 1 Workshops (pick one):
Crash Course for Lay Speakers: We will cover what are some elements that help make a meaningful message. We will also cover picking a scripture, and how best to handle last minute calls. Whether you are a seasoned lay speaker or brand new, our conversation can help you be better prepared to share some good news with others. (led by Rev. Tom Durrance, Ebenezer UMC)
Wellness Ministry in the Local Church: What kinds of Wellness programs can your church conduct for its surrounding community? Would you like to experience a Yoga Class [Chair or Mat Yoga] exploring how Classical Yoga theory dovetails with Wesleyan tradition for improved health for Mind, Body & Spirit? Are you interested in developing Wellness Support Groups for the community your church serves for those in Chronic Pain, in Grief, for Support of Caregivers in the home, or to promote Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Changes? This Workshop will give you hands on ideas for Wellness Ministry and the Yoga Class could be your most relaxed and de-stressing experience ever — while showing you a new way to reach out and serve the needs of adults dealing with Pain, Grief, Anger or Frustration and Fear. This is a gentle Yoga Class with options that assure you of success from the start. (led by Jimmy Jones, Certified Lay Minister, Registered Yoga Teacher)
Strengths’ Based Ministry: This workshop will explore how to tap into the strengths of the laity, pastor(s) and staff of a congregation. Using Clifton Strength finders is a great way to foster growth, resilience, and harmony in church staff and leadership teams. Strength finders has helped churches revitalize, come hear how it can help your congregation! (led by Rev. Amanda Webber, Oak Grove UMC and Certified Strengths-Based coach)
Safe Sanctuaries Part A: The Reason, The Reality and the Foundations of Safer Sanctuaries: Shifting our focus from fear to flourishing. This workshop will explore the foundations and reasons why each church needs safe sanctuaries. If your church is new to safe sanctuaries, please sign up for this workshop. (led by Rev. Teresa Woodworth, Associate Pastor Community UMC Va Beach and Safe Sanctuaries coordinator for Coastal VA District)
Connecting with your community: Join us as we discover ways to connect with our communities! Churches often start with a mission to serve their local area, but as times change, they can lose touch with the people around them. Let’s come together and explore fresh ideas and strategies for reconnecting with our neighbors and making a positive impact in our surroundings. (led by Rev. David Jimenez, Memorial UMC)
Tech on a Budget: We’ll explore how to build an online presence with minimal time and money investment—no tech expertise required. Anyone can get started! Ideal for a church wanting to create a website, looking at how to stream Sunday’s service, or up their tech presence on a budget! (led by Rev. Tim Stockton, Community UMC Portsmouth)
Faith Stages Workshop: This workshop helps to explore how just as our bodies and minds grow, so too does our faith. It’s important to know the stages and parts of our journey as we grow and help others to grow. This workshop is great for anyone who leads children and youth classes as well as adults! (led by Rev. Kimberly Barker-Brugman, Founder and CEO of Soul Story Ministry)
Faith Sharing for the Rest of us:
‘I can’t share faith — I never took a class.’
‘I can’t share faith — I don’t know a lot about the Bible.’
‘I can’t share faith — I’m not a pastor.’
‘I can’t share faith — (a few hundred more reasons).’
But what if you are the only person who can share faith at an important moment? What if you have all the tools to help someone find the hope and grace they need?
This workshop is designed to take the SCARY out of faith-talk, and make it as natural as…well…talking! (led by Rev. Devon Blair, The Gathering at Scott Memorial UMC)
8 Essential System of a Growing Church: Just like the human body, churches have systems. And these systems must all be functioning well into order for a church to grow. In this seminar, you will learn about each of these systems and how they can help your church to reach new people, make disciples, increase your small groups, and have more volunteers than you can handle! (led by Rev. Brandon Robbins, Lynnhaven UMC)
Attracting Emerging Generations: Amanda planted and served for years at Rise, a church plant that intentionally cultivated community for young adults ages 18-30ish. She is passionate about creating new spaces for new generations. While she’s not an expert, she’s learned some tools along the way. This workshop will offer best practices and space for conversation. (led by Rev. Amanda Miller Garber, Director of Missional and Community Engagement for the Conference)
Session 2 Workshops (pick one):
How to create a Welcoming Environment: Hospitality is a core component in helping guests feel welcome when they visit your church. But creating a welcoming environment goes beyond coffee and refreshments. This workshop will present key elements learned from the hospitality industry that can be applied to the local church (led by Bob Howard, Board Chair for District Admin Team and Chief Investment Officer, Gold Key/PHR)
Older Adult Ministry Workshop: This workshop will identify the physical and spiritual needs of the elderly. It will also provide information on how to determine a need for an older adult ministry in your congregation and an outline for establishing one. (led by Rev. Tim Farabaugh, retired pastor who also worked in long-term care administration)
Using AI In Ministry: Discover how AI can enhance your ministry in this hands-on workshop designed for pastors and lay staff. We’ll explore practical prompts, address common fears, and discuss how AI can serve as a valuable tool in areas like sermon preparation, communication, and community engagement. Join us to learn how AI can support your mission while staying true to your church’s values. (led by Jeremy Crum, Director of Communications and Connections for New Creation UMC)
Safe Sanctuaries Part B: The Specifics of Safer Sanctuaries: Laying the groundwork for a plan and response. This workshop will help you create or update a safe sanctuaries plan to help ensure the safety of all in your congregation. This workshop is ideal for those who also sign up for Part A and those churches needing to update their safe sanctuaries policy. (led by Rev. Teresa Woodworth, Associate Pastor Community UMC Va Beach and Safe Sanctuaries coordinator for Coastal VA District)
Creating an Intentional Discipleship Pathway: This workshop will explore how to help people grow into mature disciples of Jesus Christ. As we know: Transformed lives, transform lives. How do we create system to help people walk from being new believers into a deeply formed life with Christ? (led by Dwayne Stinson, Director for Discipleship and Congregational Vitality for the Virginia Conference)
Wellness Ministry in the Local Church: What kinds of Wellness programs can your church conduct for its surrounding community? Would you like to experience a Yoga Class [Chair or Mat Yoga] exploring how Classical Yoga theory dovetails with Wesleyan tradition for improved health for Mind, Body & Spirit? Are you interested in developing Wellness Support Groups for the community your church serves for those in Chronic Pain, in Grief, for Support of Caregivers in the home, or to promote Healthy Habits and Lifestyle Changes? This Workshop will give you hands on ideas for Wellness Ministry and the Yoga Class could be your most relaxed and de-stressing experience ever — while showing you a new way to reach out and serve the needs of adults dealing with Pain, Grief, Anger or Frustration and Fear. This is a gentle Yoga Class with options that assure you of success from the start. (led by Jimmy Jones, Certified Lay Minister, Registered Yoga Teacher)
Stewardship Basics in a Changing Landscape: This workshop will cover a few simple best practices to encourage generosity in your congregation. It will also help you think about alternative revenue streams and new approaches to financial sustainability. This workshop will also include understanding apportionments and how they are calculated. (led by District Superintendent Beth Givens)
What can the Church Vitality office offer to help you and your church?: Come hear from our Breakthrough Prayer team about how a breakthrough prayer can inspire and change your church, learn about Discover the Possibilities, Vision Day, and Signature Ministry Workshops, Simplified, Accountable Structure and Fresh Expressions as you consider how God is inviting your church to continue to be a vital presence in your community. (led by our Breakthrough Prayer team leader Bill Slingerland and Rev. Stephanie Parker, Coordinator for Church Vitality for Coastal VA District)
Registration: 1pm
Welcome and worship: 1:30pm
1st Workshop: 1:45-3:15
Break: 3:15-3:30pm
2nd workshop: 3:30-5pm
Session 1 Workshops: (pick one)
How to utilize digital and regional resources in modern evangelism efforts: This workshop will look at Social Media, Websites, and Local Resources. It will also share the ways the Virginia Conference and the Board of Communications can help. (led by Rev. Bill McClung, Grace UMC)
Older Adult Ministry Workshop: This workshop will identify the physical and spiritual needs of the elderly. It will also provide information on how to determine a need for an older adult ministry in your congregation and an outline for establishing one. (led by Rev. Tim Farabaugh, retired pastor who also worked in long-term care administration)
Safe Sanctuaries Part A: The Reason, The Reality and the Foundations of Safer Sanctuaries: Shifting our focus from fear to flourishing. This workshop will explore the foundations and reasons why each church needs safe sanctuaries. If your church is new to safe sanctuaries, please sign up for this workshop. (led by Rev. Teresa Woodworth, Associate Pastor Community UMC Va Beach and Safe Sanctuaries coordinator for Coastal VA District)
Community Resources for Eastern Shore: The presentation by Eastern Shore Rural Health System, Inc. will first review important demographic information about the region and how that affects our community’s health and second, review the full breadth of Eastern Shore Rural Health services and potential ways to partner with the UMC community. (led by Amy Bull, Chief Communications and Development Officer for Eastern Shore Rural Health)
Engaging the Bible: The Bible reveals who God is and how God has been in relationship with human beings and all of creation from the beginning. Understanding the Bible, its application for us today, and how God continues to speak through those words written so long ago can be a challenge. Together we will explore how the Holy Spirit continues to allow the Bible to speak to us, and we will experience ways to engage and teach the Bible so that we continue to leave room for the Spirit to move. (led by Dwayne Stinson, Director for Discipleship and Congregational Vitality for the Virginia Conference)
Session 2 Workshops: (pick one)
Tech on a Budget: We’ll explore how to build an online presence with minimal time and money investment—no tech expertise required. Anyone can get started! Ideal for a church wanting to create a website, looking at how to stream Sunday’s service, or up their tech presence on a budget! (led by Rev. Tim Stockton, Community UMC Portsmouth)
Strengths’ Based Ministry: This workshop will explore how to tap into the strengths of the laity, pastor(s) and staff of a congregation. Using Clifton Strength finders is a great way to foster growth, resilience, and harmony in church staff and leadership teams. Strength finders has helped churches revitalize, come hear how it can help your congregation! (led by Rev. Amanda Webber, Oak Grove UMC and Certified Strengths-Based coach)
Safe Sanctuaries Part B: The Specifics of Safer Sanctuaries: Laying the groundwork for a plan and response. This workshop will help you create or update a safe sanctuaries plan to help ensure the safety of all in your congregation. This workshop is ideal for those who also sign up for Part A and those churches needing to update their safe sanctuaries policy. (led by Rev. Teresa Woodworth, Associate Pastor Community UMC Va Beach and Safe Sanctuaries coordinator for Coastal VA District)
Stewardship Basics in a Changing Landscape: This workshop will cover a few simple best practices to encourage generosity in your congregation. It will also help you think about alternative revenue streams and new approaches to financial sustainability. This workshop will also include understanding apportionments and how they are calculated. (led by District Superintendent Beth Givens)
What can the Church Vitality office offer to help you and your church? Come hear from our Breakthrough Prayer team about how a breakthrough prayer can inspire and change your church, learn about Discover the Possibilities, Vision Day, and Signature Ministry Workshops, Simplified, Accountable Structure and Fresh Expressions as you consider how God is inviting your church to continue to be a vital presence in your community. (led by our Breakthrough Prayer team leader Bill Slingerland and Rev. Stephanie Parker, Coordinator for Church Vitality for Coastal VA District)
Using AI In Ministry: Discover how AI can enhance your ministry in this hands-on workshop designed for pastors and lay staff. We’ll explore practical prompts, address common fears, and discuss how AI can serve as a valuable tool in areas like sermon preparation, communication, and community engagement. Join us to learn how AI can support your mission while staying true to your church’s values. (led by Jeremy Crum, Director of Communications and Connections for New Creation UMC)