Group working toward abolishing the death penalty
The Peace and Nonviolence subgroup of the Virginia Conference Board of Church and Society is providing information about Abolishing the Death Penalty. It will be a major focus of the upcoming General Assembly. The following resources are provided by this subgroup. They are working in conjunction with the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP)
- Resolution (adopted by conference in 2012) to Eliminate the Death Penalty (pdf)
- Link to Petition for anyone to sign from VICPP to abolish the death penalty
- Link to Petition for clergy to sign from VICPP (with whom the conference partners with for General Assembly Day)
- Word document template to use to write to your delegates about abolishing the death penalty
- Faith and Facts Card
- Who is my Legislator?
- Clergy Advocate to Repeal the Death Penalty in Virginia

Lynching and the Death Penalty
The death penalty in the United States is a direct descendant of racial terror lynchings. The Rev. Robert Lewis of Charlottesville shares his community’s experience of learning the story of John Henry James and connecting it to the racialized injustice of modern capital