The Rev. Lyndsie Blakely, Order of Deacons Chair, and the Rev. Darcey Johnson, Order of Elders Chair
Sacramental Resources for Elders and Deacons
Service of Word and Table (pdf)
Order of Baptism and Membership (pdf)
Order of Elder
District Order of Elder Chairs (Excel)
Covenant of Elders in the Virginia Conference (Word)
Order of Deacon
Annual Reporting for the Deacon and Provisional Deacon (Web page)
Professional/Paraprofessional Certification (Web page)
Introduction: Deacons in Word and Table (pdf)
Specifics: Deacons in Word and Table (pdf)
Appointment Beyond the Local Church – Deacons and Provisional Deacons (Word)
SPRC Resources
Ministry of the Deacon: A Guide for Local Churches (pdf)
Employment Agreement: Deacon (Word)
Job Description Samples
Sample Personnel Policies (Word)
Appointment Review Process (Word)
Appointment Request within the Local Church — Deacons and Provisional Deacons (pdf)
Joint Pastor-SPRC Appointment Preference Form for Elders (Word)
Other S/PPRC Policies and Forms