We are committed to equipping and resourcing our clergy for effective leadership in ministry. Some of the ways we seek to do this is by creating a culture of covenantal care for ourselves, our families and the communities we serve; continuing to develop our effective characteristics through ongoing cohort or coaching relationships.

Covenant: This document was created to promote and model how we care for ourselves as clergy. It is also an accountability agreement throughout ministry.
Self-care Covenant in English (Word)
Self-care Covenant in Spanish (Word)
Characteristics of Effective Clergy: These are the leadership qualities and vocational competencies that help to identify and define the effectiveness of clergy in the Virginia Conference.
Characteristics of Effective Clergy (pdf)
Continuing Development & Assessments:
Coaching Relationship Opportunities:

The Rev. Larry Buxton, International Coaching Federation & Center for Credentialing
Larry has eight plus years of experience with over half of his practice coaching United Methodist clergy. His main areas of emphasis are communications coaching (preaching, writing, speaking) and strategic coaching (setting and achieving goals). When thinking about leadership he names Courage, Character and Confidence as primary. [email protected]

The Rev. Amanda Miller Garber, Path 1 and Ministry Architechts
Amanda is an ordained elder and the founding pastor of RISE, a wonderfully quirky young faith community in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Amanda has been a coach and consultant since 2014 and she coaches diverse leaders in a variety of ministry settings throughout the nation. She self-identifies as a church planter and innovator, and often journeys with those interested in fresh expressions of church. She also coaches a number of leaders who are in ministry with youth, college students and young adults. Amanda brings a particular passion around the intersection of Bowen Family Systems Theory and church leadership to her coaching, along with two decades of ministry experience. Amanda is a Path 1 certified coach and has received additional coaching training through Ministry Architects. [email protected]

The Rev. Donna Holder, ACC
ICF certified, GBHEM endorsed
Donna is an ordained elder in the conference, serving Westover Hills UMC in Richmond. She focuses on individual coaching for motivated leaders wanting to maximize effectiveness in personal and professional life. Group coaching available for clergy and laypersons in Leading Change and Managing Conflict. [email protected]

The Rev. Marg Kutz, Path 1
Marg is a retired elder in the conference with forty years of ministry experience. Marghas ten years of experiencing coaching a diverse group of over twenty pastors within and outside the UMC. She has worked with Paul Nixon, Jason More and Next Level Innovation Team in the conference. She believes that pastoring a church has never been harder now with few of the standard positive gains or rewards. Our pastors need support, guidance, strength of fellowship, and renewed sense of calling. She believes coaching can help with that effort. [email protected]

The Rev. William T. Chaney Jr., ICF and ACC
William has served full-time in Christian ministry for over 30 years. As an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, William has served as a church planter, church revitalizer, a district superintendent and in congregational development. William has coached pastors, district superintendents, new church pastors, and lay leaders with 800+ coaching hours in over 200 churches since 2008. This experience created a deep understanding of the challenges that face today’s churches. He approaches coaching from a Strengths based perspective. [email protected]
Evaluative Tools