There are several ways to serve within our connection as laity. We believe that through our baptism, all are called. Below you will see several ways in which you might serve as a layperson in the United Methodist Church. If you are currently serving in a lay capacity but wish to explore becoming a certified candidate, you will find more information here:
Professional Certification
Professional/Paraprofessional Certification (Web page)
Certified Lay Minister
Information about Certified Lay Ministry and other lay ministry opportunities can be found at
Information about Certified Lay Minister Interview (pdf)
Annual Lay Supply Orientation – The Virginia Conference Cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry require an orientation for all new persons assigned as lay supply (ie. laity who serve as pastoral leaders for congregations). This is mandatory for all lay supply ministers in the Virginia Conference.
This year our orientation was conducted through asynchronous video segments and synchronous Zoom meetings, along with a mentoring component. If you are a continuing lay supply and have not attended previously, or if you are a first-time lay supply minister, you are expected to attend this event the next time it is offered.
Members of the Cabinet facilitate the orientation sessions and funding is provided through the Board of Ordained Ministry. If you have a scheduling conflict, please discuss this with your district superintendent.
You are also encouraged to check out the information and training opportunities offered through Lay Servant Ministries