Director: Madeline White, (804) 521-1113
Digital Media Specialist: Hunter Bryn, (804) 521-1112
Web Manager: Sam Duenckel, (804) 521-1116
Weekly e-Advocate– digital newsletter with conference, national, global news
Conference email groups
Clergy Directory
Book of Reports
Virginia United Methodist Advocate Archives (2011-2019)
1. Maintaining the conference database (including all clergy contact information; clergy appointments; clergy and lay members of conference boards, commissions and agencies; laity serving in leadership roles in the conference including Annual Conference members).
2. Overseeing conference website, internal conference email groups and conference social media pages
3. Development and production of promotional materials and videos for the conference and local church ministries
The Virginia Conference Communications staff uses a variety of communications tools, techniques and technology to support the vision and ministry of the Annual Conference in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
With over 860 churches, the Communications staff provides a number of functions to equip the clergy and laity for ministry.
Learn more about resources and aids for your church at the Digital Hub.
Email the office to learn more about training opportunities or resources at
The office provides resources to the conference, districts and local churches. Specific resources include media relations and crisis communications consultation and access to technology hardware and software at discounted prices.
Email for more information.
Submit a request for help with general communications, live streaming, social media, or video production
Communications training: upcoming webinars Resource documents for church communication best practices
UMCom resources for websites, website hosting, training, and video
Find digital ministry ideas and resources at the Digital Hub page.
Need other communication resources? Learn more…
Email the office to learn more about training opportunities or resources at