Welcome and congratulations on pursuing becoming a Certified Lay Minister for the first time! If you are here it means you have completed the following and are ready to upload a series of documents into your jotform application:
On the application you will be expected to confirm the years of BASIC and Spiritual Gifts courses which are required to begin the four modules for Certified Lay Ministry
All candidates seeking to become Certified Lay Ministers in the Virginia Conference must have a letter of recommendation from their pastor. You will need to upload this letter into your application.
All candidates seeking to become Certified Lay Ministers in the Virginia Conference must have a letter of recommendation from their local church. You will need to upload a copy of this letter into your application.
All candidates seeking to become Certified Lay Ministers must submit to an Expanded Background Check: which includes a consumer credit check, county and national criminal checks, a sex offenders check, and a Department of Motor Vehicles check. Candidates must confirm they have submitted to the expanded background check. The link to the form and instructions can be found here.
All candidates pursuing certification in the Virginia Conference as Lay Ministers must submit a biographical form which provides basic background information on a candidate’s life and formation. You will need to upload this form into your application.
All candidates seeking to become Certified Lay Ministers in the Virginia Conference must have a letter of recommendation from their district superintendent. You will need to upload this letter into your application.
Candidates will upload certificates of completion for all four CLM Modules.
Contact Richard Speirs, Director of Lay Servant Ministries, to request a review of your completed materials for referral to the District Committee on Ministry. RichardSpeirs@vaumc.org