As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need. UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable. UMCOR provides relief, response and long-term recovery grants when events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own.
* The VA Disaster Response Advance Special #5037 is used for Early Response Team (ERT) deployment, ERT training and maintaining equipment for disaster recovery and relief.
Three steps you can take in response to Hurricane Helene:
A Prayer for the People of Western North Carolina
O God, we place our trust in you.
As the wind and rain has passed through the mountains of Western North Carolina, we name before you those whose lives have been devastated. We especially remember those who have lost so much, those with the fewest options, the most vulnerable. Read More
Early Response Team certification ensures people who will be onsite in disaster response have appropriate training to go and help.
Remember – the first rule is do no harm.
1. If you are ERT certified and your certification is up to date, thank you! You will receive email communication from your team leader about next steps very soon.
2. If you are not ERT certified or your certification has expired but want to be a part of an on-the-ground response team to assist with relief efforts, we are organizing multiple trainings around the Annual Conference in the coming weeks. Upcoming trainings are scheduled for:
October 26th – Coastal Virginia District: Heritage UMC (815 Baker Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462) from 8:30-4:30 PM. The class capacity is 24 participants. Cost: $30. Register HERE. Questions? Contact Rev. Kotosha Griffin at
November 9th – Three Notch’d District: Good Shepherd UMC (9155 Hungary Road Henrico, VA 23294) from 8-4 PM. The class capacity is 24 participants. Questions? Cost: $30. Register HERE. Contact Kim Hood at
More details will follow for both and any additional trainings that will be offered
*This training is for long-term disaster recovery work, after Emergency Personnel and Early Response Teams have come in and done their triaging and stabilizing work. If you are interested in Early Response Team training, please contact Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger at*
Join us for the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Team Leader Training on Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Raleigh Court UMC (1706 GRANDIN ROAD SW, ROANOKE, VA 24015)!
This training is for individuals who have attended at least one UMVIM trip and who are ready to take a deeper dive into servant leadership and leading UMVIM teams. This training will be led in collaboration with Kip Robinson, Lead Trainer VAUMC, Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger, Assistant Director of Missional Engagement, along with support and shared lessons learned from other certified/experienced team leaders. Check in will begin at 8:30 AM with light refreshments available, and the class will begin promptly at 9 AM with breaks in between. Registration for the class is $20, and lunch will be provided. The deadline to register is Friday, October 25, 2024. The link to register and pay online can be found here.
Once you have registered, an online training manual will be provided via email, however, if you desire a printed copy, we ask that you print and bring it with you in whatever format you prefer. Additionally, we ask for you to bring a little team spirit and a servant’s heart! For further questions, please contact Tim Wells via e-mail at or call 703-517-0183. We look forward to having you and serving alongside you!
Help build flood buckets to replenish the Mission Central depot where UMCOR deploys flood buckets out to impacted areas most effectively.
There will be at least two sites on every district where flood buckets can be delivered as they are assembled. The list of drop off sites will be available and widely dispersed throughout the conference by Wednesday, October 2.
Build flood buckets now to be delivered to drop off sites by Sunday, October 13. Buckets will then come to Glen Allen to be blessed and delivered to Mission Central by October 16.
Right now financial gifts are one of the biggest sources of impact to help with these relief efforts. When you give to disaster relief through UMCOR, 100% of your gift goes to support this work.
Hurricane Relief Update
October 10, 2024
Dear Friends,
We have joined you in watching Hurricane Milton unfold in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Helene. We continue to pray for those who have been impacted, for emergency personnel and search and rescue teams, and for all those who are on the ground helping to ensure safety of affected communities. We are connecting with friends across the connection about how we can best respond to these events. We want to share a few updates about our VAUMC response in this time.
• As of this morning, we have OVER 1,200 UMCOR Cleaning (Flood) Buckets committed to be sent to Mission Central where they will be inspected and verified and then sent to all impacted areas. This is just the beginning, and we invite you to keep assembling buckets, contributing financially, and praying as we continue to respond to immediate needs.
• Our first round of bucket collection will be at the VAUMC Conference Center on Wednesday, October 16 at 12 p.m.. Another round of bucket collection at the VAUMC Conference Center will happen on Friday, November 1 at 12 p.m. Our districts will work to collect buckets from their designated drop off sites and bring them down to Glen Allen to be blessed, packed, and sent on their way to serve those most in need.
• Registration will go live by the end of this week for the two Early Response Team (ERT) Trainings and UMVIM Team Leader training happening over the next month. The details for those trainings are below, and you can register online at
• Early Response Team Training: For those who have never been Early Response Team trained OR if their Early Response Team Certification has expired:
• Saturday, October 26 at Heritage UMC in VA Beach from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Class Capacity: 24 participants
Cost: $30
Questions? Contact Rev. Kotosha Griffin at
• Saturday, November 9 at Good Shepherd UMC in Richmond from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Class Capacity: 24 participants
Cost: $30
Questions? Contact Kim Hood at
• United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Team Leader Training: For those who are interested in serving on the ground and leading a team once we move out of the Early Response Team phase:
• Saturday, November 2 at Raleigh Court UMC in Roanoke from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Class Capacity: 35 participants
Cost: $20
Questions? Contact Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger at
**More trainings will be scheduled, so keep an eye out for more information and details.**
Finally, please do not self deploy or donate anything other than what has been requested. Please remain flexible as we respond and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the communities that have been impacted.
Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!
Rev. Amanda Miller Garber
Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger
• Quick Links:
• Cleaning (Flood) Bucket Collection Sites: Flood Bucket Collection Sites
• Estimated Number of Buckets Form:
• Cleaning (Flood) Bucket Shipping and Financial Support to UMCOR:
• Give to VAUMC Relief Fund to Support VA ERT Deployment, Training, and VAUMC Response:
Rev. Amanda Garber, Director of Missional and Community Engagement
Rev. JoAnn Batteiger, Assistant Director of Missional and Community Engagement
We want to thank you for the outpouring of generous response around the Virginia Annual Conference over the last several days as we continue to navigate the impacts of Hurricane Helene across the connection. As promised, we have some updates to share with you today:
Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support – there is much still to be done and we will continue to move forward together.
Rev. Amanda Garber, Director of Missional and Community Engagement
Rev. JoAnn Batteiger, Assistant Director of Missional and Community Engagement
Today, the Office of Missional and Community Engagement can offer more ways United Methodists can be supportive of communities that have been impacted by Hurricane Helene. We imagine you like us have seen images coming from around the southeast in the wake of this catastrophic storm. First and foremost, we must commit to being a people of prayer and holding all those impacted by this tragedy close to our hearts in this time.
We also recognize this is a time where many of us feel a call to take action and do something. This is worth celebrating! And we want to do this in a way that is mindful of Wesley’s three general rules: Do no harm, Do good, Attend to the ways of God. Being mindful of this, here are three actions we would encourage you to consider today to take action and respond to those most impacted by Helene:
Flood buckets
• All of the kits that we have collected at this past year’s Annual Conference and past year’s Annual Conference are in the process of being deployed into the areas of most need– so thank you!
• Now we will need more. Starting today, we will be collecting flood buckets to help replenish the Mission Central depot. This ensures that every area that has been impacted by Helene can get timely assistance.
1. There will be at least two sites on every district where flood buckets can be delivered as they are assembled. The list of drop off sites will be available and widely dispersed throughout the conference by Wednesday, October 2.
2. These buckets can be built now! We’d encourage flood buckets to be built and delivered to drop off sites by Sunday, October 13. Buckets will then come to Glen Allen to be blessed and delivered to Mission Central by October 16.
Volunteering your time to be present
We utilize something known as the Early Response Team certification to ensure people who will be onsite in disaster response have appropriate training to go and help. Remember – the first rule is do no harm.
If you are ERT certified, thank you! You will receiving email communication from your team leader about next steps very soon.
If you are not ERT certified but want to be a part of an on-the-ground response team to assist with relief efforts, we are organizing multiple trainings around the Annual Conference in the coming weeks. Today we can share that trainings are scheduled for…
1. Saturday, October 26 in the Coastal Virginia District
2. Saturday, November 9 in the Richmond Area
3. More details will follow for both and any additional trainings that will be offered.
Financial Generosity
Right now, financial gifts are one of the biggest sources of impact to help with these relief efforts. When you give to disaster relief through UMCOR, 100% of your gift goes to support this work.
We will continue to be in communication about ways you can make a difference and be in connection with those most impacted by Hurricane Helene. Tomorrow, Rev. Bob Pihlcrantz, our VAUMC Disaster Response Coordinator, will have some further information about what the UMCOR Disaster Recovery Process looks like and where we are in it as of right now. Additionally, we are in the process of preparing our disaster response tool trailers and shower trailers to be sent out to impacted areas when we receive the invitation for them.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our office by email at Thank you so much for bearing witness to the love of God in this time. Please be praying, be preparing, and be providing. This is the power and the beauty of what it means to be a church in connection.
Rev. Amanda Garber, Director of Missional and Community Engagement
Rev. JoAnn Batteiger, Assistant Director of Missional and Community Engagement