The Virginia Conference UMC Creation Justice Movement’s mission is to participate with the Spirit of God in connecting and supporting groups within The United Methodist Church and beyond for the work of creation, care, justice, and regeneration.
Currently, the VAUMC CJM is working to build a fellowship of Methodists in Virginia to be advocates for Creation Justice by:
Educating – Engage congregations and promote the VAUMC Green Church Initiative (GCI). The CJM team is reaching out to individuals and congregations to adopt the GCI as a part of the Biblical mandate to care for and be good stewards of all God has so lovingly created.
The GCI is a covenant congregation program that empowers a local church to live out its faith, given the Biblical mandate to care for and be good stewards of all that God has so lovingly created, and focuses on Creation Justice and Stewardship in five areas:
For more details on becoming a Green Church, please visit our VA Green Church Initiative page
Green Church Award Nominations Now Being Accepted for 2025 Annual Conference
The Green Church Award and Sustaining Green Church Awards are our opportunity to recognize congregations who have made a covenant for Creation Justice and our living that out in their church life and ministry. We will accept nominations and be glad to recognize those congregations that have signed onto the Green Church Initiative, the Green Church Covenant, and other Earth Ministry-Green Team programs such as Interfaith Power and Lights Cool Congregations.
Please apply now for the 2025 Green Church and Sustaining Green Church Awards
Climate Justice Congregations – Cool Green Churches Working for Climate and Energy Justice
Join the VAUMC Creation Justice Movement in our efforts to support the Virginia Annual Conference commitment to Net-Zero emissions by 2050, to become energy efficient, and to work towards climate justice by becoming a Climate Justice Congregation! The resources on the energy justice page will empower your congregations to advocate for clean, efficient, affordable, and just energy for all! Click here for more information: