November 4, 2022
Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson was assigned to the Virginia Conference (Richmond Episcopal Area) during the morning business session on November 4, 2022 during the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference. Bishop Haupert-Johnson was elected bishop by the 2016 Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference formally and assigned to the North Georgia Conference. View her bio as a Word document or PDF.
Bishop Sharma Lewis has been assigned to the Mississippi Conference. Episcopal nominee from the Virginia Conference Bishop-elect Tom Berlin was assigned to the Florida Conference.
The episcopal assignments for the jurisdiction were:
Alabama / West Florida: Bishop David Graves
Central Appalachian Missionary (formerly Red Bird): Bishop Leonard Fairley
Florida: Bishop Tom Berlin
Holston: Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett
Kentucky: Bishop Leonard Fairley
Mississippi: Bishop Sharma Lewis
North Alabama: Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett
North Carolina: Bishop Connie Shelton
North Georgia: Bishop Robin Dease
South Carolina: Bishop Jonathan Holston
South Georgia: Bishop David Graves
Tennessee-Western Kentucky (formerly Memphis and Tennessee Conferences): Bishop Bill McAulilly
Virginia: Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson
Western North Carolina: Bishop Kenneth Carter

A Consecration Service will be held starting at 10:30 a.m. in Stuart Auditorium at the jurisdictional conference.
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See VAUMC Delegation pictures on the conference Flickr:…/vaconf/albums/72177720303367772