Direct link to Wrap-up video:
Hampton Roads Convention Center
Hampton, VA
June 20-22, 2024.
Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson is excited to announce the theme of the 242nd session of the Virginia Annual Conference is A Conference in Three Movements. This theme emerges from the belief that there are three principal movements of the Holy Spirit taking place in the present era of the church:
- The theological movement from prevenient grace to sanctification. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.
- The historical movement of Methodism captured in our past, lived in our present, and pointed toward our future. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in the church.
- The missional movement from gathered spaces into all the world. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in community.
These movements build upon each other, intertwining together to demonstrate what has been, what is, and what will be as God continues to move amongst God’s people.
The Annual Conference logo is designed to be an embodiment of this powerful theme. The three flames joining as one light are a reminder of the three movements and the connection they share. The placement of words and font selection are meant to evoke an imaginative sense of movement and the constant motion of the Holy Spirit. The color family of reds, yellows, and oranges is meant to offer a sense of fire that is sparking and burning within the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church.
As we prepare to gather in Hampton this June, we hope members of the Annual Conference will begin to consider the role of these three movements in their lives, the lives of their churches, and the lives of the communities we are called to serve.
Download the Logos
Annual Conference Navigation (click the icon below)
AC Teachers
Alternate Lay Member at Large Form
If there is a change to your district’s elected Lay Member at Large, please print out and complete the linked form then bring it to the Registration Help Desk at Annual Conference 2024 in the Hampton Roads Convention Center.
If there is an elected alternate for your church (or charge), please print out and complete the linked form and then bring them to the Registration Help Desk at Annual Conference 2024 in the Hampton Roads Convention Center.
Banquets & Events
Click on the “+” to see the events for each day.
Laity Heart-to-Heart
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom BC
Contact: Martha Stokes
Cabinet Dinner
5:15 PM
Juneteenth Celebration
7:00 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom DEFG
Contact: Clarence Brown
Lunch Lab – The Heart of It All: United Methodist Theology of Mission 101
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room A
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – Who is My Neighbor? Reimagining and Transforming Community
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room B
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – Taste and See: A Lunch Church Fresh Expression
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room C
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – Follow Thee More Nearly: Advocacy as a Foundation for Faithful Living
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room D
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
College Ministries – Youth Pizza
12:00 PM @ Azalea Shelter – Briarfield Park
1560 Briarfield Rd, Hampton, 23666
Contact: Hannah Bryn
Virginia Conference Clergywomen Luncheon
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom BC
Contact: Mochel Morris
Register HERE
Certified Lay Ministers Luncheon
12:30 PM @ Wesley UMC
2510 N Armistead Ave, Hampton 23666-1506
Contact: Joanna Dietz
Register HERE
Three Notch’d District Ice Cream Social
5:30 PM @ Bluebird Gap Farm – Powhatan Pavilion
60 Pine Chapel Rd., Hampton 23669
Contact: MaryKaye Cochran
General Conference Information Q&A
(UMC Constitution Amendments)
5:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom B
Contact: Grace Han
Council on Finance & Administration
5:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Room 203
Contact: Carol Draper
Registration Coming Soon
Asian American Ministers Association Dinner
6:00 PM @ St. Luke’s UMC, Yorktown
300 Ella Taylor Rd., Yorktown 23692
Contact: Daniel Park
Registration Coming Soon
Mission Rivers District Ice Cream Social
6:00 PM @ Chestnut Memorial UMC
1024 Harpersville Rd., Newport News, 23601
RSVP: Lisa Jones
VA Conference Diaconate Dinner
6:00 PM @ St. James UMC, Hampton
1533 W. Queen St., Hampton 23669
Contact: John Conway
Register HERE
Virginia Black Methodists for Church Renewal
Annual Meeting and Dinner
7:00 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Terrace
Contact: Ellis Crum
Registration Coming Soon
Methodists for a New Thing
7:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom A
Contact: Alison Malloy
Minutes Committee Breakfast
6:00 AM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Room 207
Contact: Katie Mueller
Church and Society
7:30 AM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom C
Come join the Conference Board of Church and Society for breakfast on Friday, June 21st! We will be recognizing churches who have put in the work for their commitment to caring for God’s Creation through earning the Green Church designation and hearing from our committees: Creation Justice, Peace & Non-violence, and Poverty & Human Rights.
We will meet at Hampton Road Convention Center at 7:30 AM. Cost is $35/per person, and the deadline to register is Monday June 10th. Register online.
For any questions, please contact Board of Church and Society Vice Chair Amanda Holmes at [email protected]. We would love you to join us to start your day with a hearty breakfast and time of fellowship!
General Conference Information – Coffee
(UMC Constitution Amendments)
7:30 AM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom B
Contact: Grace Han
Virginia Conference United Methodist Men’s Breakfast
7:30 AM @ First UMC Fox Hill, Hampton
1 Salt Pond Rd., Hampton 23664
Contact: David Collins
Register HERE
Lay Supply Gathering hosted by Clergy Excellence
7:45 AM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Room 103
Contact: Crystal Sygeel
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – The Heart of It All: United Methodist Theology of Mission 101
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room A
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – Who is My Neighbor? Reimagining and Transforming Community
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room B
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – Taste and See: A Lunch Church Fresh Expression
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room C
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Lunch Lab – Follow Thee More Nearly: Advocacy as a Foundation for Faithful Living
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Conference Room D
Contact: JoAnn Batteiger
Register HERE
Candler School of Theology Alumni Luncheon
12:00 PM @ Park Lane Tavern
4200 Kilgore Ave., Hampton 23666
Contact: Clark Cundiff
Wesley Theological Seminary Luncheon
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom B
Contact: Jim Driscoll
Register Here
Union Presbyterian Seminary Luncheon
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Room 203
Contact: W. Clay Macaulay
Register HERE
VAUMC Fellowship of Licensed Local Pastors & Associate Members Lunch
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom C
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jason Stanley, Incoming Director of Call and Candidacy
Contact: Bill Greer
Register HERE – deadline: June 6th.
Virginia Reconciling United Methodists Dinner
6:00 PM @ Fox Hill Central UMC
501 Beach Rd., Hampton 23664
Contact: Mark Elder
Register HERE
Shenandoah River District Ice Cream Social
7:00 PM @ Wesley UMC
2510 N. Armistead Ave., Hampton 23666
Contact: Debbie Creech
Game Night Social
7:00 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom BC
Contact: Hunter Bryn
Minutes Committee Breakfast
6:00 AM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Room 207
Contact: Katie Mueller
ARMS Retirement Luncheon
12:30 PM @ Hampton Roads Convention Center: Ballroom BC
Contact: Nancy Blair
Bishop Sue’s Book Recommendations

Recommended Reading for the Entire Annual Conference:
Thompson, Marjorie J. Soul Feast, Newly Revised Edition: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life. Westminster John Knox Press, 2014.
Wheatley, Margaret. Who Do We Choose to Be? Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity. Barrett-Koehler Publishers, 2017.
Leading Congregational Change :
Rusaw, Rick and Swanson, Eric. The Externally Focused Church. Group Publishing, 2004.
Rainer, Thom S. Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive. B&H Books, 2014.
McDonald, Gordon. Who Stole My Church? What to Do When the Church You Love Tries to Enter the 21st Century. Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2008.
Navigating these Times:
Cole Arthur Riley. Black Liturgies: Prayers, Poems, and Meditations for Staying Human. Convergent Books, 2024.
Zeke Hernandez. The Truth About Immigration: Why Successful Societies Welcome Newcomers. St. Martin’s Press, 2024.
Goode, Jeff. The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet. Little, Brown, & Co., 2023.
Ben-Ghiat, Ruth. Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present. W.W. Norton & Co., 2020.
Essential Books for Ministry and Life:
Chittister, Joan. The Gift of Years: Growing Old Gracefully. BlueBridge, 2014.
Kalanithi, Paul. When Breath Becomes Air. Random House, 2016.
McDonald, Gordon. Ordering Your Private World. Thomas Nelson, 2017.
Great Books:
Dillard, Annie. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2007.
Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. Random House, 2010.
Lawson, Jenny. Let’s Pretend this Never Happened. Berkley, 2013.
Krueger, William Kent. This Tender Land. Atria, 2020.
Krueger, William Kent. Ordinary Grace. Atria, 2014.
Robinson, Marilynne. Gilead. Picador Paper 2020.
Group Walk/Run Information
Dear Virginia Annual Conference,
In the past couple of years, I have organized a 5k Run/Walk style event to raise money for the Annual Conference Offering. We are changing things up a bit this year to help make the event planning a bit easier and hopefully make the event more inclusive and accessible for everyone.
This year we will be hosting a Group Run/Walk event. We will be meeting on Saturday, June 22 at 6:30 AM at the Hampton Roads Convention Center (under the awning), and will offer routes of both 1 mile and 3 miles where you can participate at a comfortable distance and pace. There is no need to register ahead of time, you are welcome to show up, bring a few friends, and enjoy the morning together before our day begins. Additionally, there is no fee to participate, however, if you’d like to contribute a love offering towards our Annual Conference Offering supporting Partnerships of Hope and Undue Medical Debt (to learn more click here).
Thanks to our amazing sponsor, Virginia United Methodist Pensions Incorporated, we will also have free T-Shirts for those who attend. These T-Shirts will be handed out on a first come, first-serve basis and we have tried to order sizes and stock according to previous years participation.
We hope that by starting at the Hampton Roads Convention Center will make the event more accessible. The earlier time will also allow participants to get their walk or run in, pack up and get ready for whatever they need, and return to the Convention Center in time for the 8:30 AM session to begin. The running trails we will utilize, circle the Hampton Roads Coliseum and go along the riverway for beautiful views. We are hopeful this will continue our work in finding new ways for us to “get active” at Annual Conference!
For any further questions related to this Group Run/Walk, please don’t hesitate to reach out by email at [email protected].
Laity Orientation for Annual Conference
Lunch Labs
Registration is highly encouraged, but not required! If you’re ready to sign up and join us in the laboratory, please click here.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Office of Missional Engagement at [email protected].
Facilitators: Rev. Dr. J. Denise Honeycutt and Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger
Ever wondered what the term “United Methodist mission” really means? Are you curious about how United Methodist beliefs influence our missional efforts both locally and globally? If your answer is yes, or even maybe, then this Lunch Lab might be for you! Participants will develop a deeper understanding of our theology of mission and explore how United Methodists seek to remain grounded in mutuality and relationships. Storytelling and sharing in small groups will enable exploration of the ways our theology and lived experiences are interconnected.

Rev. Dr. J. Denise Honeycutt
Denise is a passionate and enthusiastic follower of Jesus Christ. She has a deep contemplative spirituality, which she weaves joyfully into her daily life and work as a person of justice. She has had a rich and diverse ministry serving as the lead pastor of small and large congregations and as a missionary to Nigeria where she taught theology and biblical studies at Banyam Theological Seminary and then serving on the Virginia Conference staff as the Director of Mission and Global Justice. She was the Executive Director of UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for the denomination and the Executive Director for the Center for Mission Innovation.
Denise is retired, although she often says this is a time of ‘reWILDment’ rather than ‘retirement’ for her. She and her husband, Rev. Pat Watkins live in NC in a small passive solar home. Denise is a storyteller and a relationship builder, a lover of trees and the surprising activity of God’s Spirit which is always sweeping the church into a new age of mission.

Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger
A native of Richmond, Virginia, Rev. Jo Ann Batteiger has spent much of her life immersed in trying to better understand what it means to be human in this great wide world of ours. She earned her MDiv from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in 2021, and a BA in Religion, a BS in Sociology, and a Certificate in Christian Leadership from Shenandoah University in 2018. Throughout her studies and different life experiences, a call to ministry and living a life in service to others became clear. Passionate about working alongside people and building a more just and compassionate world for all of God’s beloved creation, Jo Ann was commissioned as a Deacon in the Virginia Annual Conference in June 2023, and serves as the Assistant Director of Missional Engagement for the Virginia Annual Conference. In her role, she helps local churches be Christ in their local communities and abroad through sustainable and transformative mission. She is excited about all that God is doing in and through the Virginia Conference, and can’t wait to see what comes next.
Facilitator: Angie Williams
Thursday Panelists:
Rev. Jenelle Watson, Director of Embrace- A Center for Community
Rev. Kameron Wilds, Pastor of Rising Hope Mission Church
Rev. Audrey Smith, Pastor of The Gathering at Washington Street
Friday Panelists:
Rev. Jenelle Watson, Director of Embrace- A Center for Community
Rev. Kameron Wilds, Pastor of Rising Hope Mission Church
Rev. Lisa McGehee, Executive Pastor of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
Who is my neighbor? Who is my community? Who are we called to serve? The church has wrestled with these questions for centuries. The Spirit is calling us to listen to our neighbors, reimagine community, and cultivate transformational relationships with our neighbors. This Lunch Lab will offer the opportunity to be in conversation with three practitioners who will share their stories around church and community transformation– the joys, the heartbreaks, the lessons learned, and everything in between.

Angie Williams
Angie’s greatest passion is empowering people through mutual relationships to create transformational impact by engaging in the lives of others, especially youth with complex needs. As Open Table’s Chief Operating Officer, she has led the design of implementation and expansion strategies for state and county initiatives throughout the country. These initiatives have been in collaboration with a wide variety of community sectors to convene together with faith communities to multiply impact and strengthen outcomes.
Angie has over twenty years of experience working with youth, young adults and families. Prior to working at Open Table, Angie directed faith community and volunteer engagement for United Methodist Family Services (UMFS). She also served on the Virginia Systems of Care Expansion Team implementing a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant project integrating Open Table as a model to serve youth and families statewide. Prior to her time at UMFS, she served as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church for nearly 8 years.
Angie has a B.A. in Biblical Studies from The College of William and Mary and also holds certifications in youth ministry through Princeton Theological Seminary and in volunteer administration through the International Council of CVA. She is the proud foster-adoptive parent of two daughters adopted through UMFS at ages 14 and 5 (now both grown). Through Open Table, Angie herself was “adopted” by a young woman who aged out of foster care and now calls her “Mom.” During Angie’s free time, you will always find her with my family and friends, playing games or enjoying God’s creation outdoors together.
Facilitators: Representatives from various advocacy groups in the VAUMC
Join representatives from a wide breadth of topics, issues, and causes. Speakers and participants represent UMC and interfaith groups working in social justice and social action causes, including: LGBTQIA+ advocacy; with refugees; climate and creation care; racial and ethnic concerns; gender-based issues; and several others. Listen to speakers share what advocacy is, why it matters to us as Christians and United Methodists, and how we can work for justice and peace. Then, take the opportunity to meet in small groups and speak with our experts and with siblings who share your interests and concerns, as we talk about practical ways to get involved and to work toward real change. Come to listen, learn, and share! Come if you’re new to advocacy or if you’re seasoned. Come with questions and with answers. We look forward to connecting with you as we work toward the kin-dom of God, together.
Facilitator: Rev. Woo Kang
This Lunch Lab will offer participants an opportunity to learn more about the Fresh Expressions movement by participating in a condensed Lunch Church experience. In addition to the experience itself, participants will learn practical tips and how to’s that can be implemented in their unique contexts. Bring an open heart, an open mind, lunch, and yourself!
**For this particular Lunch Lab, we ask that you wait to begin eating until the facilitator invites all participants to start the meal at the same time.**
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For our Annual Conference offering this year, we are excited to share that we will be supporting two important initiatives who are engaged in the work of mission and service in the world. Our first one is supporting the ongoing connectional work with our VAUMC Partnerships of Hope countries: Brazil, Mozambique, Cambodia, Haiti, Vietnam, and Native American Ministries. The other half of our offering will be given towards our conference-wide Undue Medical Debt Campaign (formerly RIP Medical Debt) to help eliminate medical debt in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is our hope that through this debt campaign, we are able to raise $390,000 that would help eliminate $39 million of medical debt that continues to hurt the most vulnerable in Virginia. This campaign will start with the Annual Conference offering and continue through the end of the calendar year.
To give to the Annual Conference offering, you can make your check out to the Virginia United Methodist Conference with AC Offering in the memo line, and mail it to:
Virginia United Methodist Conference Center
P.O. Box 5606
Glen Allen, VA 23058
Or, you can give online using this link: VAUMC Donations and then selecting “Annual Conference Offering”.
For more information about Partnerships of Hope, please visit:
For more information about Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt), please visit:
Thank you for your generosity in supporting these two initiatives!
Per Diem Vouchers
For Retirees, First Time Appointees, Conference Staff, etc.
The Conference Per Deim is for retired clergy, first time appointments, etc per the CFA Policy (page 105-106 of the BOR) below:
- INDIVIDUAL EXPENSES FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE Provided for and managed as follows:
- Each charge is responsible for the expenses of both the clergy and lay members (including diaconal ministers) from that charge to the annual conference, working out its own plan of compensating for actual expenses.
- Persons not covered through local church appointment shall receive annual conference reimbursement not to exceed $200 a night for mileage, meals and lodging; the Conference treasurer shall reimburse the claimant through voucher of approved expenses. Coverage under this section extends to: (a) retired clergy who retired with pension under one of the Disciplinary options and who are not serving full-time; (b) clergy on medical leave; (c) clergy on sabbatical leave who are members of the Virginia Annual Conference; 106 REPORTS (d) retired diaconal ministers who served at least eight years in the Virginia Conference and who are granted a retired relationship by the Conference; (e) persons expecting their first appointment; (f) members of the conference who have been appointed to attend a theological school; (g) those serving as chaplains in Armed Forces; (h) deaconesses under appointment; (i) furloughed missionary members of the Virginia Annual Conference; (j) those on loan to other annual conferences, whose expenses are not otherwise provided for; and (k) clergy returning from an approved leave of absence receiving local church pastoral appointments.
- Each district is responsible for the expenses of its district superintendent, youth members and members-at-large.
- Each board, agency or committee is responsible for the expenses of its chairpersons, if that person is not a clergy or lay member whose costs are covered by their charge or district.
The districts have a voucher for their at-large members, in which the districts reimburse them directly.
RV Accommodation
We have not made any special arrangements for RV accommodation. You are encouraged to explore options based upon your specific needs.
For your reference:
Colonies RV Park at Fort Monroe –
Gosnold’s Hope Park has RV Camping –
Video Resources
Video resources are available on the conference YouTube page to help clergy and lay members prepare ahead of the 242nd Session of the Virginia Annual Conference. New videos will be released each week beginning May 13. Access videos…