Scouting Ministry District Coordinators:
Please see the Scouting Ministry Grant Request forms below for your use in your District. There is a printable Word document and an online PDF which will be filled out online. Please submit to Bill Chaffin at [email protected] each field completed. The Payee and Deliver To will most always be you as the District Coordinator. Please sign your approval on the District Approval line. Notice that the online form has a dropdown listing of the Districts. Choose yours. There is a calendar that will appear on the Date line. If you choose the printable form you will have to write in the appropriate information.
The Description / Amount Requested / How Funds Used fields are freeform and will accept your entry however to enter it. Be advised EACH DISTRICT HAS BEEN BUDGETED $200.00 mustard) seed money annually to be primarily used for recognitions (Cross & Flame, etc.) and training. The annual budget period is the Church fiscal year. Your explanation as to how funds used to support our ministry will be used to validate reimbursement. I would strongly suggest that each of you speak to your District Superintendent about a budget amount you could annually expect for your ministry. This District-allocated fund is strictly at your disposal and up to checks-and-balances within your District. Use of this form is for Conference level funds budgeted beyond what you may get locally.
pdf form
Word form