Service Fund
What is the Youth Service Fund?
The Youth Service Fund (YSF) is the national United Methodist mission fund supported by youth. Through YSF, United Methodist teens raise money for other teens doing ministry in their churches and communities impacting poverty, illiteracy, absenteeism and social justice.
The Youth Service Fund is a unique ministry because it is run completely by, with and for youth. Youth contribute the money, they decide what projects receive the money, and the projects supported are youth-designed, youth-led, and youth benefited. Youth from across the Virginia Annual Conference may apply for funding.
Projects must fit into at least one of the following categories:
- Faith Sharing and Outreach – Provides young people with tools to help them evaluate, understand and articulate and share their experiences of faith with others; gives young people opportunities to live their faith through ministry to others—through outreach, in-service learning, and mission.
- Leadership Development – Encourages, equips and empowers young people to be disciples of Jesus Christ and agents of change in the local church, community and the world.
- Scholarship – Provides monetary assistance to ensure participation of young people in educational/training, service/mission and other ministry opportunities.
- Ministry with At-Risk Youth – Incorporates youth oppressed by unjust economic, political and social systems in programs that seek to build just, free and peaceful societies. Equips youth with the skills needed to be healthy and whole. Provides a safe environment where youth can express their hurts, joys and concerns, and experience the power of God’s love, healing and grace.
- Agricultural/Vocational – Assists families and/or communities in the areas of education, agriculture, economic development, job training and self-determination.
Selection Process
Project considerations include:
- Priority is given to those projects that are youth-led (i.e. youth are leaders in the creation, development, implementation and evaluation of a project.)
- The project is youth-related (12-18 years of age, or up to age 24 for international projects.)
- Youth Service Fund money is to be used to develop new projects that will become self-supporting. There is no guarantee of funding after one year and no project will be funded more than three consecutive years (funding for consecutive years will decrease from that of the previous year).
- Youth Service Fund grants should have a substantial effect on the project but will not be used to fund a deficit.
- Projects should be racially and ethnically inclusive whenever possible.
- Preference will be given to United Methodist projects within the connectional system. Projects of other churches and cooperative efforts between religious groups will be favored next. Finally, projects sponsored by secular organizations that meet Youth Service Fund criteria will be considered.
Please complete the 2025 Youth Service Fund Application below.
This application will remain open until March 3, 2025 with award decisions communicated by April 7, 2025.
Grant requests will be evaluated based on:
- Completeness of the application
- The target audience of the project (must be for youth)
- How meaningful and realistic are the timelines and goals
- The potential for meaningful impact on youth
- Other available sources of funding for the project
Grant Amounts
Grants can be up to $1500, but can also be distributed in smaller amounts. Total number of grants available each year depends on the overall funds available.
The 2025 Application Timeline is as follows:
- Application opens January 6, 2025
- Application submissions due March 3, 2025
- Application acceptance or denial by April 7, 2025
- Funds must be used with 1 year or returned to the YSF Fund
- Project status reports due two times based on project timeline
- Final project report due within 30 days of project completion
Additional Expectations of Grant Recipients
Grant recipients and their teams will be invited to participate in a training session to learn more about creating a new ministry. All grant recipients will meet roughly quarterly to check in with each other, offer support and encouragement, and to receive coaching as they progress through their project. The timing of these virtual (Zoom) gatherings will be available at the initial training session.
Questions about the Youth Service Fund and grant process can be directed to Dwayne Stinson, Director of Discipleship and Congregational Vitality, VAUMC, at or 804-521-1135.