To the individuals and churches who worked in 2019 and 2020 to complete kits for the yearly Kit Collection at Annual Conference- thank you!
Although a postponed Annual Conference session affected the yearly collection of kits in 2020, work is continuing to create a regional kit collection plan for 2021 and moving forward.
For kits created in 2020, churches can either drop off their completed kits in their district (once a location has been identified for pickup by a conference kit coordinator) or transport kits on their own to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) depot in Mechanicsburg, PA. For more information visit the website at
As of January 2021, 11 points of contact have been identified for 11 districts. These persons will work with the conference kit coordinators and questions may be directed to them by individuals in their respective district.
The Rev. David Magruder has been named the new kit collection coordinator. He may be reached at
Thank you for your continued patience as the rest of the points of contact are identified.
District Kit Coordinators:
- Arlington District: Sharon Thompson (
- Charlottesville District: Darryl Lam (540-219-2829;
- Danville: Tobias Lutz (434-203-3510;
- Eastern Shore District: Kendra Powell (757-710-5961;
- Elizabeth River District: Marta Pizzeck (
- Farmville District: Susie Thomas (225-205-2883 or 434-392-4686 (church);
- Harrisonburg District: Brian Posey (540-236-2472;
- James River District: Andrew Book (757-787-7107;
- Lynchburg District: Kim Ness (
- Richmond District: Joshua McCauley (540-820-5601;
- York River District: David Magruder (757-879-2363 or 757-898-7417 (church);