October 22, 2024

The Resolutions Committee invites conference boards and agencies, clergy and lay members of the annual conference, and local church laity to submit resolutions for the 2025 session. 

A vote of the 2023 session of the Virginia Annual Conference reinstated resolutions as part of the business which comes before the conference each year. The 2024 session approved the rules governing the submission, process, and debate of resolutions, and elected members to serve on the Resolutions Committee. The committee’s role is to shepherd resolutions through the process, ensuring that they meet the criteria outlined in the conference’s Standing Rules, that they go before appropriate boards and agencies, and that they are duly scheduled for debate in the agenda for the annual conference session. 

The deadline for submissions, in final form, is January 31, 2025. This deadline applies unless a resolution addresses an issue that arises clearly after January 31 (for example, a world event unforeseen before the deadline).  

Submissions may come from (1) an annual conference board or agency, (2) a group of at least 10 lay members of the annual conference and/or conference clergy (members in full connection, provisional members, or licensed local pastors), or (3) any lay person who is a member of a local church within the conference, with the endorsement of the church’s church council or equivalent governing body. Only these groups may submit resolutions. Submissions from those in categories (1) or (3) must include with their submissions the minutes wherein the team endorsed the resolution. For category (2), each supporter must include a signature and email address. 

Resolutions for consideration by the annual conference session must be properly submitted according to the following standards:

  1. All resolutions shall be limited to one issue. If the resolution impacts language in The Book of Discipline, it must address only one paragraph of the Discipline, unless two or more paragraphs in the Discipline are so closely related that changing one requires a change in the other. 
  2. Resolutions must include a statement of estimated financial impact, staff time and resources, and potential sources of funding necessary to implement the resolution’s provisions (if such resources are required).
  3. All resolutions must follow a “Whereas …, Whereas, … Whereas …, Therefore, be it resolved … Be it further resolved” format. 
  4. Resolutions may not exceed 1,000 words.
  5. Resolutions must be submitted electronically. Submissions may come through the form available at this link, or by email to [email protected]. If submitted by email, please submit them in Microsoft Word format, in 12 point, Times New Roman font, single spaced, with the following margins: 1.25” top margin; 1” bottom margin; 1” left hand margin; 1.25” right hand margin.
  6. Each resolution must be signed by the person(s) submitting it and accompanied by identifying information including the name(s), title(s), phone number(s), and email address(es), and district of each person. Signatures may be written or electronic. For submissions from conference boards and agencies, or from local church laity with their local church’s endorsement, the minutes of the meeting that detail the vote for endorsement must be submitted as well. 

Resolutions submitted before January 31 will be reviewed by the Resolutions Committee and returned, with recommendations, to the author(s) if they do not meet the criteria outlined above. Read through the Frequently Asked Questions document.

If you have further questions about the process or the formatting of resolutions, please contact [email protected].   

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