Role Play the Gospel

Try a new 2023 Lenten resource called Role Play the Gospel or “RP th G”. It’s a project created by a group of Virginia clergy, laity, and the conference Communications Office to help immerse yourself into the events of Holy Week. Build a character, read some Scripture, and turn on your imagination.
Resource Links:
Service of Death & Resurrection
Prison Ministry – to support the prison ministry at Scottsville United Methodist Church, in Scottsville, VA – contact Staci Hainswoth – [email protected]. Use the National Bail Fund network to give to a bail fund near you. Give to the Innocence Project to help end wrongful convictions.
Learn More:
As you prepare to play Role Play the Gospel, be sure to add yourself to the Rp the G Facebook Group. This is going to be a community space to share your experiences, ask questions, & post some of the prayers/poems/images/etc. you’ll create while playing RP the G!