Were you certified as an ERT (Early Respond Team) member or UMVIM leader?
Did you know that both certificates require a renewal every 2-3 years? Due to the pandemic, there was a limitation to offering training for both certifications. Both pieces of training required an in-person gathering due to their hands-on approach.
As churches are getting ready to assemble a mission trip and respond to disasters such as hurricanes or floods, we see that this is an excellent time to refreshen your certification.
In September 2022, Serving Ministries will be offering two pieces of training for churches that are getting ready to serve the suffering people.
ERT Certification – September 10, 2022
Two locations – Culpeper UMC & Aldersgate UMC (Norfolk)
For more information, go to – vaumc.org/ert-certificate-training
UMVIM Leader Training – September 17, 2022
Location – VAUMC Conference Center
For more information, go to – vaumc.org/september-2022-umvim-training
If you already have a UMVIM leader certificate, an online training option is available through SEJ UMVIM.
Date: September 17, 2022
We are thankful for the #serving heart of our members! And we ask you to join these training opportunities to maximize our efforts to serve this world as the hands and feet of our Lord!
To learn how your church can respond to disaster relief, click here!