Blessed are the peacemakers. Whether between nations, races, faiths, or individuals, violence and its effects take a tragic toll in our world. As Christians, our faith calls us to bring peace to the world, love our neighbors, welcome the stranger, and assist all who suffer. PNVs mission is to lead the VAUMC in addressing the threat and impact of conflicts and violence in our communities, state, and world.
Our strategy is to:
- engage VAUMC congregations in PNV issues by serving as a learning resource to raise awareness
- lead the Board in setting PNV priorities, and advocating for and taking action on PNV issues
- build an alliance of Virginia Methodists to become advocates for peace and non-violence

Current Activities
Compassionate Support Initiative – develop and provide resources for congregations ministering to veterans, active military, first responders, and their families dealing with post-traumatic stress and moral injury.
Immigration & Refugee Ministry – engage the VAUMC in addressing immigration and refugee issues. Welcome, assist, and advocate for our immigrant and refugee neighbors (many of whom are in our congregations).
Death Penalty – commemorate and follow up on recent abolition of the death penalty in Virginia, a VAUMC goal for many years.
Peace With Justice — support UMC initiatives to foster just, equitable and durable solutions to the root causes of conflict and violence in the United States and worldwide.
PNV Advocacy Support – support VAUMC advocacy efforts as needed on PNV issues, such as racial justice, LGBTQ+ inclusion, gun violence, human trafficking, and health equity. Partnering – address PNV objectives in cooperation with other Methodist groups, including other BCS work groups, CEMCA, Bishop’s work group on racial justice, and the General Board of Church and Society