Moving forward in God’s mission

Click here to download the 2019-20 Mission Opportunities booklet (pdf)
Jesus tells us to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, provide clothing and shelter to the poor, care for the sick and visit those in prison. While it would be wonderful if we could reach out personally to everyone who needs our help, we know that’s impossible. But when we join other members of our congregation, other churches in the Virginia Conference, and United Methodists around the world, together we can spread the love of Jesus Christ, even to places where we can’t go.
When you give to your local church, most of the money is used to support ministries of your local congregation. A smaller portion funds regional ministries in the Virginia Conference.
Finally, a portion of your giving goes to the worldwide United Methodist Church to support programs on a national and international level.
We share the costs of conference and worldwide church ministries, with each local church being responsible for contributing a fair share or “apportionment.” This is the “First-Mile Giving” expected of all United Methodists. The power of our apportionments — our collective First-Mile giving — is that it enables United Methodists to do together what no church, district or annual conference could do alone.
But Jesus says we should do more than the basic requirement — we must walk the “second mile” as well. We can go beyond the primary gifts to the church and contribute “Second-Mile” gifts to specific programs, missionaries and ministries through The Advance for Christ and His Church and through contributions to Special Sunday offerings.
This booklet can help your congregation walk the first mile — and then go the second mile as well by supporting ministries in all of the Mission Opportunities categories listed below:
- Missionaries
- United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
- International Advance Specials
- National Advance Specials
- Virginia Conference Advance Specials
- Initiatives of Hope (Designated Virginia Conference mission priorities)
- Special Sundays
By supporting these ministries, you can be connected to other United Methodists in mission and ministry so that together we can make a difference around the world.
Copies of the Mission Opportunities booklet are available through district offices or by contacting the office of Justice and Missional Excellence at (804) 521-1100.