Dear Friends, 

The Conference Missional Engagement Office thanks Annual Conference members and churches for their patience for the release of the Kits for Conference initiative information. 

We know you all have been eagerly awaiting next steps for this initiative, and this email will contain important information about what’s happening, how your local church can be involved, and the next steps. For any further questions, please reach out to Rev. David Magruder at who is helping lead this effort alongside the Missional Engagement Office. 

What kind of kits will we be collecting this year?

The best things often come in threes, and this year we will be collecting the three official United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Kits. All of the kits collected will be ready to deploy to help communities affected by different disasters. The kits we’re supporting are hygiene kits, cleaning kits, and menstrual (period pack) kits. Below are the links with instructions on what’s inside and how to pack these kits:

Is there an additional cost for shipping and extra supplies?

Yes! Each church that is collecting will be asked to contribute an additional amount to cover the cost of shipping and extra supplies asked for by UMCOR. The formula for each kit is as follows:

  • Cleaning Kits: Total Number of Cleaning Kits x $3 = Cost to support the purchase of sponges and shipping 
  • Hygiene Kits: Total Number of Hygiene Kits x $2 = Cost to support the purchase of toothpaste and shipping
  • Menstrual Kits: Total Number of Menstrual (Period Pack) Kits x $2 = Cost of shipping (for instance, your church packs 10 Menstrual Kits x $2 = $20 cost for shipping 

Once those are calculated, add them all together and submit them in one payment either via check or through online contribution. 

If submitting via check, please make all checks payable to “Virginia Conference UMC” with “Kits (Advance #5041) in the memo line and mail to:


Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 5606
Glen Allen, VA 23058

If submitting via online contribution, please click here.

We kindly ask that any financial contribution be sent in before the Annual Conference event in June and no later than Saturday, August 31, 2024. Additionally, we will NOT be accepting payments at the Annual Conference event in June. 

What do we do with our kits once they’re packed, and where do they go?

Once your kits are packed with love, care, and blessings, each district will have at least one designated collection site at a local church to collect the kits for your district. This collection time will happen sometime in late May/early June and is in the process of being finalized. Once that is finalized, we will distribute that information and update the conference website on where to find your collection site. 

Once all the kits have been collected and counted, they will be picked up the week after the Annual Conference event in June and sent to Mission Central in Mechanicsburg, PA, which is one of UMCOR’s Supply Depot. From there, they will be ready to serve those most in need when the next disaster happens. 

**Please note: we will NOT be collecting kits at the Annual Conference event in June!**

What if we’re not able to assemble/collect kits, but we’d like to contribute financially to enable UMCOR to purchase relief kits, what should we do? 

If you’d like to contribute through financial generosity in lieu of making kits yourself, you can contribute using the cost of each kit as follows:

Cleaning Kits: $75/each

Hygiene Kits: $12/each

Menstrual (“Period Pack”) Kits: $24/each 

For payment, this can also be done via check or online contribution utilizing the instructions above!

How could we help our churches and communities get involved in this effort? 

There are a lot of ways that this can take shape and the following list is not exhaustive!

  • Collaborate with other churches (UMCs and non-UMCs) and/or faith communities in your area to engage in this work together
  • Youth group lesson/activity
  • Intentionally invite/include/go to folks who are part of your church community, but can’t always make it to the church building
  • Coordinate with assisted living facilities where church members live to see if the packing of kits could be hosted there instead of at church 
  • Host a kit packing day/afternoon – intentionally invite students, faculty, and staff from local schools, Beta Club, National Honor Society, other service organizations to participate and offer volunteer hours 
  • Share in a meal together and pack kits after worship one Sunday or with a Wednesday evening gathering
  • Possibilities are endless!

Help share your story of mission with the conference office. We want to hear YOUR story – take pictures (with permission), post on socials, and utilize the hashtags(#KitsForConference and #VAUMC24).

What if I have more questions, or want to help volunteer with the kit collection day for my district? 

Contact Rev. David Magruder at He will be able to answer questions related to kits as well as connect you with the district representative who is organizing for their collection site. For any further questions, please contact the Missional Engagement Office at 

Thank you for all you are doing and will be doing to support the work of UMCOR in this important initiative! 

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