Virginia United Methodist Foundation Grants
(including Hanna Grant and Micah Grant)
The 2024-2025 grant application season is open as of September 1, 2024.
The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2024.
Learn more about grants offered by the Virginia United Methodist Foundation.
Church & Society Grants
Learn more about grants offered by the General Board of Church & Society.
Multiethnic Ministries Grants
The 2024 Racial/Ethnic Local Church(RELC) Grant and the Annual Conference Multiethnic Ministries Grant applications are now available! RELC Grant and Multiethnic Ministries Grant applications will be accepted January 2 – March 1, 2024. Application forms can be found here: https://umcmission.org/multiethnic-ministries/
RELC Grants are provided to assist local racial/ethnic congregations with projects and programs on one of three areas: 1) Leadership Development; 2) Church Growth and Development; and 3) Pastoral Salary Support. The maximum RELC programmatic grant is $15,000 and the maximum pastoral salary support grant is $12,000. The church’s membership must be at least 51% majority racial/ethnic.
Multiethnic Ministries Grants are provided to annual conferences to assist with programs focusing on racial-ethnic leadership development and racial/ethnic church growth and development.
Common Table: Conference Benevolence Grants
Conference Benevolence Grants are for connectional ministries beyond the local level to cover administrative expenses. They are funded through the Conference Benevolence apportionment from local churches. Applications should be submitted to the Office of Connectional Ministries.
Click here for more information.
Common Table: Special and Sustaining Grants
SPECIAL PROGRAM GRANTS (formerly the Commission on Ethnic Local Church Concerns grants and the Common Table “Healing the Hurts” grants) are designed for programs outside of normal conference and local church funding processes. They are intended to provide funding for the first three years of innovative programs of tangible and caring outreach that is beyond a local church’s current financial resources.
SUSTAINING PROGRAM GRANTS are designed for programs outside of normal conference and local church funding processes. They are intended to provide funding for the sustaining of innovative programs of tangible and caring outreach that is beyond a local church’s current financial resources. They are for churches of all ethnic groups and should help the church requesting the funding to relate to the ethnic groups within its community.
Click here for more information.
The Virginia conference offers Program and Accessibility Grants. Learn more…
Oldham Little Church Foundation - Facility Completion Grants
Oldham Little Church Foundation is a private foundation which funded grants in excess of $1,037,000 to small, evangelical Protestant churches throughout the United States in 2020. Since our founding in 1949, we have provided over 16,900 Facility Completion Grants totaling over $47 million for church renovations, repairs, and new construction projects. Learn more…
The Renfro Trust Fund
The Renfro Trust Fund awards annual “bricks-and-mortar” grants to small rural United Methodist congregations in the Southeastern Jurisdiction. Learn more…
Apply for a Mustard Seed Migration Grant
UMC churches in the U.S. can help immigrants, migrants and refugees living in their local communities. UMCOR’s Mustard Seed Migration Grants program provides congregations with up to $2,000 for a one-time, community-based service project. The application is open and up to 100 churches will be awarded a grant. Learn more and apply.
Virginia Council of Churches offers youth ministry grant
The Virginia Council of Churches (VCC) 2023-2024 Congregational Youth Ministry Grant applications are now open and will remain open through November 15, 2023.
Grants of $2,000.00, will be given to 11 congregations whose youth ministries were greatly impacted by COVID; these grants are supporting funds for restart, startup or enhancing congregational youth ministries. All completed applications are to be received in the VCC office by November 15, 2023. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Crystal Greenerl at [email protected]. Access grant application…
The Intentional Growth Center
The International Growth Center announced on November 1 that it began accepting applications for a new round of grants. These grants are available to local congregations and church organizations. It will focus on ministries that increase Christian Discipleship and Church Leader Development for clergy and laity of all denominations. Primary attention will be given to projects of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church.
The application deadline is February 1, 2024. Grants are expected to be awarded in late March 2024. More information and the online application can be found on the ICG website.
The International Growth Center looks forward to developing new ministry partners throughout the Southeastern Jurisdiction as together we increase Christian discipleship and develop church leaders.
United Methodist Communications Grants
Leonard M. Perryman Communications Scholarship for Racial Ethnic Minorities
Stoody-West Fellowship
This $6000 grant will assist a United Methodist student in their post-graduate study at an accredited U.S. college or university who intends on pursuing a career in religious journalism. Learn more…