There has been much talking, concern and wonder about how our supporting Outreach Youth organizations protect the youth in their programs. We have spent a good deal of time, effort and care with the Scout BSA (Boy Scouts of America) policy and efforts. The following is from my friend Kara Ball, Director of Faith Based Partnerships for GSUSA (Girl Scouts USA).
As a Scouting Coordinator or leader please contact the Girl Scout Council in your District or area for more specifics.
Bill Chaffin
Director of Scouting Ministries – Virginia Conference
In Girl Scouting, the emotional and physical safety and well-being of girls is our top priority. We protect girls through required adult volunteer criminal background checks, training, and safety resources. Adult supervision requirements for troop meetings include a minimum adult-to-girl ratio of two unrelated volunteers, including one female, with the number increasing depending on troop size and activity.
GSUSA, local councils, and other units holding a credential – including USA Girl Scouts Overseas (USAGSO) – are responsible for seeing that all activities are planned and carried out in a manner that considers the health, safety, and general well-being of all participants in accordance with Girl Scouts safety guidelines. To learn more about your local requirements please connect with your local Girl Scout council.