EMS Let’s Talk Tuesday presents “Welcoming the Stranger” with Dr. Amy Oden, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Zoom. Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 6 pm. How do communities of faith invite those marginalized and rejected by society into academic spaces and places of worship? Is all of humanity invited into worship, learning and theological discourse? Do we extend grace to those planted and working in our midst? Join us on Tuesday, April 25 at 6 pm EST as we hear Dr. Amy Oden share insights from church history and scripture on “Welcoming the Stranger.” In this session, Dr. Oden will share principles on hospitality from scripture. Then, in a discussion led by seminary professor Dr. David Evans, we will discuss the grace and welcoming embrace the scriptures encourage communities to both receive and give. Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RxwRgPZpQUSfYCqxygA1WQ#/registration
Contact: Kara Glascoe, kara.glascoe@emu.edu or (540) 432-4028.