REFRESH RENEW RECHARGE Celtic worship, Duncan Memorial UMC and the Office of the Chaplain at Randolph-Macon College, 201 Henry Street, Ashland, VA. 6:14 to 6:44 p.m. – Thursdays, Feb. 22 & 29 and March 7, 14 & 21. Attention Clergy and worship leaders! Do you need a personal, prayerful respite during the hectic activities of Lent? The Office of the Chaplain at Randolph-Macon College and Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church invite you to REFRESH, RENEW and RECHARGE in a 30-minute Celtic Worship Experience of candle lighting, music, prayers, quiet reflection, and space to breathe in the sanctuary of Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church. Contact: Linda Rhodes, or 804 517-8147.