Lifechanging Testimony & Mission Moment. Bethel UMC. 142 Old Bethel Road, Lancaster, VA 22503. Wednesday, August 30th at 6:00 p.m. As a Partner Church with Helping Children Worldwide, Bethel United Methodist Church is excited to sponsor a “Lifechanging” Mission Moment and Book Signing event with Emmanuel Mohamed Nabieu (“Nabs”). Nabs is a global child advocate for orphaned and vulnerable children and their families. He spent ten years of his childhood living in one of the most respected orphanages in Sierra Leone, West Africa. After completing university, he was employed as the Director of the same orphanage he grew up in. Under his leadership, he successfully transitioned the orphanage to family-based care. This ensured that the children had the opportunity to grow up in safe, loving families. Nabs is passionate about keeping families together due to his experience of being separated from his loved ones. He is focused on creating a holistic future where vulnerable children and their families can thrive with dignity, rather than being separated and dependent on external assistance. He is currently serving as the Director for Mission Advancement & Partnership at Helping Children Worldwide, a nonprofit organization based in the greater D.C. area, which supports over 2000 vulnerable children and their families in Sierra Leone. Dinner will be provided followed by Nabs brief testimony and an opportunity for question-and-answer, as well as purchase of his book and a book signing. For questions contact the Bethel United Method Church office at [email protected]