10th Annual Bake and Bloom Fundraiser, Capeville UMC, 4410 Capeville Drive, Capeville VA 23313. Saturday, May 6, 2023 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. Capeville UMC will hold its 10th annual “Bake and Bloom Sale” on Saturday, May 6th from 9:30am to 2:00pm. The “Bake” consists of a fully baked potato with all its toppings for $5.00 each and a variety of homemade cakes, rolls, cookies and other treats. The “Bloom” will showcase a variety of beautiful flowers, plants and shrubs just waiting for you to take home or purchase for your Mother’s Day gift. Several local vendors and a silent auction table will be part of this event as well. Purchase your $5.00 ticket for a Loaded Baked Potato in advance from Patricia Scott at 757-331-1684. Funds from this fundraiser will be used to support our missionary and outreach programs and to help maintain our church. Contact: Shirley Beeman Scott, shirleyscott80@verizon.net or 540-226-5032.