“An early response team fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the caring
presence of the church and to provide hope for the survivors. This team is not a first response group of
emergency workers or a recovery rebuild or repair team. While there are specific tasks assigned to
early response teams, no task is more important than the people they serve.”
Early Response Teams respond during the first phase of disaster relief, providing Christian presence. Your church and community could also be faced with a disaster. Train to be ready to respond and know the first steps to help. Registration fee is $50, which includes training manual. UMCOR ERT badge, T-shirt and background check fee (forms will be handed out at training). Checks should be made out to the Virginia Conference and brought the day of training.
You must have taken the Early Response Team (ERT) 200 Team Leader to serve as an ERT Leader in addition to the Basic Class. The class is 2 to 3 hours in length and qualifies for recertification of your ERT credentials.
For more information, contact the Rev. Bob Pihlcrantz at bobpihlcrantz@vaumc.org or (757) 408-6653.
Click here to download the pdf.
For more information, contact the Rev. Bob Pihlcrantz at bobpihlcrantz@vaumc.org or (757) 408-6653. Bob is the Virginia Conference Disaster Response Coordinator.
Click here to download a brochure “Before Disaster Happens.” (pdf)
A “Disaster Ready Congregations” Curriculum of the United Methodist Church (PowerPoint)
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Connecting Neighbors program for Disaster Response includes notes for each slide which makes it possible to be “just in time training” for any disasters.
For the most recent updates from UMCOR, visit the UMCOR website at: http://www.umcor.org/