VAUMC Climate Summit: Hope in Action for Creation Justice
But let justice roll down like waters, & righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24
Goal: Gathering stakeholders in VA Conference UMC, including Conference Boards & related Agencies, Districts & churches, to connect & learn why they are key to the VAUMC response to God’s call for Climate & Racial Justice, Sustainability in Climate Change, & The Net Zero by 2050 Resolution. Youth are encouraged to join (individually or as a youth group) and will have workshop sessions designed specifically for teens on the theme of faith + science and Creation Care.
Theme: Thinking & Action: How we as the Virginia United Methodist Church rethink our understanding & action around Climate change/justice and its intersection with racial justice.
When? March 8, 9:30-4:00 (Clergy: .5 CEU’s available)
Where? Randolph-Macon College & Duncan Memorial Church – Ashland, VA
How many? Approximately 75-100 persons including leaders. Space can be flexible for additional participants.
Format: Day-long (9:30-4pm). Includes lunch supplied through RM-C, paid for thru $25 registration fee) $5 for students and youth ministers/directors .
Worship: 30 minutes of centering, singing, Scripture & Reflection led by Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson. (9:30-10am)
World Café : 60 minutes (10:15-11:15) An icebreaker/small group discussion format (round table discussion) with specific questions to answer -three different groups & questions. to address:
Why is it important for me to be at this Summit based on my position within VAUMC leadership? How can I connect with others on the Conference level for both information & partnerships?
Keynote speaker: 45 minutes (11:30-12:15) Michele Roberts (Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform and Coming Clean)
Michele is a scientist turned environmental justice activist who has been helping religious groups and people of color around the country defend the planet against environmental and racial injustice. Learn more…
Lunch 12:30-1:15 College Cafeteria
Workshops/Breakout sessions 50 minutes each – choice of 2 (1:30-3:30) Workshops listed below. Topics to be relevant to the “how to’” questions of the participants.
Closing remarks (3:30-4pm)
Workshops: CHOOSE TWO
- Building a church Green Team: what’s worked and what hasn’t. Jane Wilson, Lay Leader, Burke UMC
- How does my church/district office/camp go Solar? -What we did -churches large and small. Alex Joyner, Charlottesville First United Methodist Church and Brandon Praileau, Wesley Union A.M.E. Zion Church, Norfolk VA
- How can my children and youth be involved in Climate Care and Justice work? Melanie Fleischer, Welborne UMC, Richmond VA
- How can we be good stewards of our church property and use it sustainably? Kim Richmond Western North Carolina UMC Creation Justice Team.
- Faithful Missions: Bridging Disaster Response and Creation Care, Brian Mateer, Director of Missional Engagement, Western North Carolina Conference
- Accessing UMC financing for sustainable improvements to facilities AND How is VAUMC advocating for Climate Justice through Pension investments.
- How can I secure funding/grants, etc. for work toward Net Zero in the church and in the community? Claudia Saunders, Community Engagement Manager. Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Reston, VA
- Leading from the Pulpit and Podium: How worship and Bible study can engage Christians in the church’s mission to care for and heal God’s creation.” (Pat Watkins, retired clergy and GBGM missionary, Earthkeeper, author)
- Energy Audits for Church Buildings and Assessment for Solar Installation. Joseph Donoghue, Assessor, Waste Reduction Partners (Asheville NC) member, UMC Western NC Creation Justice Team.
Youth Workshop 1: Understanding the Faith & Science Around Climate Change, Jennifer Secki Shields
Youth Workshop 2: Practical ways to Care for Creation, Kendra Grimes