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From left, Kate Mandes, Doug Pick, Bishop Lewis and the Rev. Dr. Steve Summers.
From left, the Rev. RJ Jun and Doug Pick.
From left, Doug Pick, Dr. Steve Summers, Bishop Lewis, Kate Mandes.

Thanks are extended to all the churches that participated in the 2021 Annual Conference Offering. Some 222 churches donated to this year’s offering. Foodbanks and Partnerships of Hope will be the recipients of the $90,000 that was collected. “The goal was not reached but the impact will go a long way,” said the Rev. RJ Jun, associate director of Serving Ministries. 

Bishop Sharma D. Lewis, the Rev. Dr. Steve Summers, assistant to the Bishop and director of Connectional Ministries, and Jun visited Feed More, headquarters of Federation of Virginia Food Banks, to share the collective offering of $45,000 on Tuesday, Oct. 5.

The group was greeted by Doug Pick, president and CEO of Feed More, representing Federation of Virginia Food Banks; and Kate Mandes, director of Marketing and Strategic Initiative, Federation of Food Banks. Pick is a lifelong United Methodist from Windsor Hills United Methodist Church in Roanoke. “The United Methodist connection is strong,” Jun said.

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