The final session began with Singing Our Faith. Bishop Sue called the session to order at 8:41 AM. Bishop Sue called the body to the resolution from Friday afternoon. There was a motion to suspend the rules, which was approved. A motion was made to create a Commission of Truth Telling and Reconciliation to listen to stories of harm and move in creative modes of reconcilation; there were members from both sides of whether to have the apology together made the motion. The Commission would report at the next Annual Conference. The motion passed and Bishop Sue offered prayer. 

Bishop Sue called on Mr. Brian Christoffersen to present a motion for the Annual Conference to create a Work Group to study how we can go Net Zero by 2050 for all churches. The motion passed. Bishop Sue called on the Creation Care Team to have a summit before the Annual Conference. 

Bishop Sue called on Rev. Jenelle Watson, Valley Ridge District,  to offer the opening prayer. Rev. Jenny Day and Rev. Lauren Wright, co-chairs, COSROW,  were called to give the Monitoring Report. CEMCA and Commission on Disabilities (COD)were invited to share the time. Rev. Eduardo Carrillo and Lester Kurtz spoke on behalf CEMCA. Rev. Timothy Barth spoke on behalf of the COD. He urged churches to fill out an Accessibility Audit.

Bishop Sue called on Rev. Denise Bates, Dean of the Cabinet,  for the Fixing of the Appointments. Dean Bates took a moment of personal privilege to announce that the Cabinet and Bishop are donating $2,000 towards the UnDue Medical Debt, and that the Mountain View District is giving $1,000. 

Bishop Sue introduced Rev. Beth Givens as the new District Superintendent to the Coastal Virginia District, and thanked Rev. Dr. Cecelia Brooks for her service as she moves to a local church. Bishop Sue recognized Rev. Denise Bates as she retires and Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert will be the new District Superintendent of the Mountain View District. Rev. Kirk Nave was recognized as the new District Superintendent of the Northern Virginia District. Dr. Sarah Calvert challenged everyone to give towards Northern Virginia’s $5,000 matching gift challenge. Bishop Sue offered a concluding prayer and announced the Fixing of Appointments.

Bishop Sue closed the final business session of the 242nd Annual Conference to a close at 9:50 AM. 

The Service of Recognition and Call began with processional hymns. Monica Chafinhofer led the Call to Worship. Rev. Jessie Colwell recognized the 31 individuals of the Class of 2024 retirees. After a worship song and a youth reenactment of Luke 24:13-35, Bishop Tom Berlin began the sermon.

Bishop Berlin shared that his mother died this week, and he shared some of the tender moments surrounding this time. There were moments when the Holy Spirit prays for you, when you look around and realize you are not alone. “What is the nature of the hope that you carry in this moment and in the days ahead? Our hope is that a relationship with Jesus Christ transforms life.” Bishop Berlin spoke directly to the ordinands that their job is “Hope Leadership”, even though there will be many failures – you have to “fail quickly and move on”.  The new United Methodist Church is rise or fall on our Spiritual Roots – we must continue to focus on spiritual disciplines so that our roots will go deeper. 

Rev. Crystal Sygeel recognized the call of the 14 individuals of Lay Supply Class of 2024  and the  10 individuals of Certified Lay Ministers Class of 2024. Bishop Sue offered a prayer of blessing. 

Bishop Sue commissioned Deaconess Amy Purdom to the ministry at Staunton High School as a Special Education teacher.  

Bishop Sue examined the persons being recognized/ordained: 26 Local Licensed Pastors , 3 Provisional Deacons, 11 Provisional Elders, 2 Ordained Deacons, and 9 Ordained Elders.

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The service concluded at 12:39 PM.

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