The Bishop’s Mission and Ministry Workgroup continues to diligently meet to develop policies and guidance to help Virginia Conference faith communities do ministry in this time of COVID. While the development of the primary document is still in progress, members of the workgroup would like to share some timely resources they believe will be of use to local churches.
As a reminder, plans for these events must still be approved by your District Superintendent. However, documents below, developed by clergy and laity from the Virginia Conference, should help you develop these plans.
Pastoral Home Visitation and Vaccination
Click here to download a pdf
Developing Safe Playground Policies
Click here to download a pdf
Mission Trips in 2021
Click here to download a pdf
Developing a Plan for Vacation Bible School 2021
Click here to download a pdf. (Updated April 8, 2021)
Guidelines for in-house school ministries and food
Please read this explanatory document first (pdf)
In-house School Day Ministry (pdf)
How can clergy and lay leaders lead in the new vaccination efforts? (pdf)
FAQ on What to Do if I Have Been Exposed to COVID-19
Click here to visit website
Non-Worship Gatherings of 10 or Less
Please read these guidelines (pdf) Posted Dec. 11, 2020
Halloween Resources
Trunk or Treat – COVID Style (pdf)
Drive Boo Truck or Treat (pdf)