May 2023 * Volume 24, Issue 2

President's Message by Albert Weal, Jr.

Where the Spirit Leads

Good Morning,

Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So, they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. (Acts 16:6-10)
After 40 days of Lent, Easter Sunday has come. Jesus is alive and raised from the dead, just as he told the disciples before his suffering and death. On Pentecost, the church received the gift of the Holy Spirit. In Phyrgia and Galatia, the Holy Spirit led Paul to proclaim the good news in Macedonia. So, where is the Spirit of Jesus leading the men of the Virginia Conference?

Together, the men of the Virginia Conference can bring to the church a spirit of joy and unity in all that we do. Let us be joyful that the Spirit will lead us. As United Methodist Men, let us take opportunities to reach out to younger men to offer guidance and direction but also to learn. Let us be especially mindful of our campus ministries which can provide support, encouragement, and fellowship for our colleges.

I invite you to the UMM Annual Breakfast on June 16, to visit our table at Annual Conference in Roanoke, and support men’s ministry in Virginia.

Letting the Spirit lead us,

Albert Weal, Jr., President
[email protected]

Open Positions for VA UMM Cabinet

VA Conference UMM Needs You

During my Christian journey, I've gradually learned what being a servant leader is all about. I started out by ringing the bells for the Salvation Army each Advent season. I eventually grew into the job of coordinating a rotation of volunteer bell ringers every year and have been doing that for over 23 years. Over the years, I helped with Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life and other charities. I participate in the Kairos Prison Ministry every chance I get. Believe me-- going to prison was not an aspiration; it is what God compels me to do. I've served on various church committees (such as Nurture, Stewardship, and Leadership), taught Sunday School, and led Bible Study occasionally. I recently got arm-twisted into the job of Capital Campaign Chair for our church. The campaign was very successful in spite of my best efforts at sabotage and ineptitude. One of my most rewarding service opportunities has been in Men's Ministry. For twenty years, I have encouraged men through various fellowship, District, Conference, and Jurisdictional UMM officer jobs. What a roller coaster ride!

These stints (or is it stunts?) have given me the opportunity to engage with both lay and clergy leaders in a number of ways: building relationships and growing both experientially and spiritually. Without a willingness to serve -- albeit most often reluctantly -- I would never have gotten to know all these wonderful and talented people who are basically all saying the same thing: "Here I am Lord". I've had to learn how to say no, how to juggle multiple priorities, and how to trust God. I now serve as an elected delegate to Annual, Jurisdictional, and General Conference and as President of the Southeastern Jurisdiction United Methodist Men. I share this not to brag, but to encourage you to step up in faith. I am grateful for all these rewarding challenges to serve and grow in faith.

You, too, can benefit from being more than a volunteer-- become a servant leader! Your district and conference can use leaders like you who started by supporting a ministry and are willing to grow into servant leadership by influencing others. Right now, the Virginia Conference UMM has several positions open at the conference and district levels including Chaplain / Prayer Advocate, Secretary, and Treasurer. If you would prayerfully consider answering God's call and saying, "Here I am Lord", then please contact me at [email protected] or 757-839-0790. I'll give you a ring so we can discuss your options for a fulfilling and mystical journey of the Spirit.

Grace and Peace,

Andrew Kissell
President, SEJ UMM
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 757-839-0790

Virginia Conference UMM Breakfast is June 16

Please Come | Registration Requested

Greene Memorial UMC is site of the 2023 Annual UMM Breakfast
You are invited to the Annual Breakfast on Friday, June 16, 7 AM, at Greene Memorial UMC, 402 Second Street SW, at the corner of Second and Luck Avenue in downtown Roanoke.

Chris Henderson, President and CEO, and Charles Wickham, Director, Donor Development and Retired Clergy Housing, of Pinnacle Living will speak at the Annual Breakfast on June 16. Since its beginnings in 1948, Pinnacle Living, previously known as Virginia United Methodist Homes, Inc., has grown from a single community serving seniors to several communities across the Commonwealth. The name, Pinnacle Living, reflects a vision to provide a culture where age does not define the person. Whether for yourself, your parents, or your grandparents, please come and learn about Pinnacle as it strives to serve future generations.

Men, spouses, and guests will gather at 7:00 AM in the Persinger Room to enjoy a hearty breakfast; elect and install Cabinet officers; and conduct the annual business of the Virginia Conference United Methodist Men. The cost of breakfast is $15 payable by cash or check at the door. Please email David Collins by June 12 to let us know that you are coming.

We look forward to seeing you in Roanoke on Friday, June 16.

Support Men's Ministry in Virginia

$10 Supports Ministries Across Virginia

QR code_UMM
The Virginia Conference United Methodist Men seek to support many ministries that are dear to our hearts including:
  • Heart Havens
  • Scouts
  • All God’s Children Camp
  • Camp Rainbow
  • Society of St. Andrews
  • Grace Inside
  • Black Methodists for Church Renewal
  • Asian American Ministries Association
  • Native American Caucus, and Latino/Hispanic Caucus
We are asking each man in the Virginia Conference to donate $10.00 per year to support these ministries and men’s ministry in Virginia. Your help will provide sufficient funds to send each of these ministries a generous donation. What a great opportunity for the men of our Conference to join in support!

There are 4 ways to donate:
  • Mail a check payable to Virginia Conference United Methodist Men to:
    • Gary Lupton, Sr.
      1661 Hawks Bill Drive
      Virginia Beach, VA 23464
  • Text Giving – UMM2023 to 44-321 and you will be directed to our campaign.
  • Online Giving – click the link HERE and you will be directed to our campaign.
  • Scan the QR code above.
Thank you for your support of men’s ministry!
Albert Weal, UMM President and the VA Conference UMM Cabinet

Under the Big Top: Special Camp for Special People

Coastal District UMM to Serve Lunch on Friday, June 2


Under the Big Top
A Special Camp for Special People

For the past 30 years, the Coastal District has sponsored a special day camp for adults at Occahannock on the Bay in Belle Haven, Virginia. Individuals who need support will spend four days with their peers enjoying fellowship, food, and fun from May 30 to June 2, 2023.
The Coastal Virginia District UMM are looking for ten or more men to cook hamburgers and hot dogs for a cook-out lunch on Friday, June 2. Come share in the fun!

If you can assist, please contact Albert Weal Jr. at 757-677-6096 or [email protected].

Words to Live By

Dove_Holy Ghost

Come Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire

Expand thy wings, celestial Dove,
Brood o’er our nature’s night;
On our disordered spirits move,
And let there now be light.

Charles Wesley, 1740
United Methodist Hymnal, Copyright 1989, #603

Recommended Reading: Galatians 5:22-26
In continued efforts to fulfill the Virginia Conference goal of having Connectional Ministries become a greater resource to districts, laity and clergy, United Methodist Men are now partnered with Virginia UM clergy. Clergy, you are receiving the Beacon newsletter as part of your Virginia Conference connection.