The purpose of the Candidacy Summit is to provide opportunities for vocational discernment, connection with others who are exploring God’s call in their lives, and deeper understanding about the VAUMC journey towards certified lay ministry, or certified candidacy, licensing, and ordained ministry.
The Candidacy Summit is an overnight event open to anyone (18 or older and out of high school) who is interested in learning more about pursuing ministry leadership in the Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church (VAUMC). However, the Summit is required for candidates in Phase II (Admitted candidates working toward becoming a Certified Candidate)
Registration Details
Two Candidacy Summits are offered each year, one in January and one in July. The event is currently held at Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond, VA. For a sample schedule click here.
Most of the cost of the event is covered by apportioned connectional giving from Virginia congregations through the Board of Ordained Ministry, but there is a registration fee for participants to help with meals and lodging.
Required Preparation
The Candidacy Summit is designed to allow participants ways to reflect on God’s call on their lives for ministry, be it as a lay person, a certified lay minister, a licensed local pastor, or an ordained clergy person
Toward this effort, it is important to consider one’s life and the moments where God’s call has been experienced.
As you prepare to participate in the Candidacy Summit, you will need to complete the following:
- Write a Call Statement which captures the pivotal moments in which you have experienced God’s call upon your life. The Statement should be no less than a page, and no more than two pages.
- Complete the River of Life exercise which is designed to help you review your life in a variety of aspects. The instructions for this exercise are below. The River is intended as a semi-artistic assignment. You are encouraged to draw/color your river as well as using words and symbols.
- Put It All Together by mapping the major points of your Call Statement in the midst of your River of Life. After your River of Life Exercise, you will be directed to return to your Call Statement and put the two together.
- Instruction Guide You can find instructions for this assignment here.