Annual Conference Wrap-up
The 2020 Virtual Annual Conference session took place Saturday, October 31, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Click here for a written overview.
Click here to view pictures.
View entire annual conference session
View prerecorded services
Ordination Service
A Service of Commissioning
Retirement Service
Memorial Service
Click here to view Book of Memoirs (pdf)
Update on Annual Conference Kit Collection

Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Romans 15:7 in NRSV)
Public viewing of Annual Conference
Participants who only want to view the session can access it at:
Click here to download a pdf of the Book of Reports
Minute Questions
Click here to download a pdf copy of the Minutes
Click here to open the agenda for the day.
Consent Agenda (pdf)
Consent Agenda Approval Form (pdf)
With the one-day virtual Annual Conference session, the agenda will be very condensed. A time for motions is set for 12:30 p.m. after other reports are completed. Annual Conference members will be able to submit motions through their voting screen beginning at the start of the session.
Click here for instructions on making a motion the day of conference (pdf)
Official Packet Materials
Cabinet Report
Clergy Retirements
Consent Agenda Removal Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to view a comprehensive list.
Click here to view this year’s appointments (pdf)
Annual Conference Mission Offering 2020
Churches may mail Annual Conference Offerings to the Treasurer’s Office at PO Box 5605, Glen Allen, VA 23058. Donations may be made by visiting:
The Annual Conference Mission Offering will be taken during one-day virtual Annual Conference on October 31, 2020. Bishop Lewis encourages all local churches to participate in this second mile offering as an expression of support for designated conference priority mission projects and programs which she selects. The pastor or lay representative of every faith community should contribute to this offering. Of course, individual gifts are always welcome! Checks may be made payable to “Virginia Conference of the UMC” or “VAUMC” with Conference Offering in the memo line.
The recipients of the 2020 offering represent a mixture of long term mission partnership commitments as well as new mission opportunities:
50 Percent Food Ministries within the Virginia Conference – Funds for food ministries within the Virginia Conference will be disbursed by the Missional Ministries Board.
50 Percent Partnerships of Hope – (Formerly Initiatives of Hope) Support for our conference long-term international mission partnerships with Mozambique, Cambodia and Brazil.
Please be generous in your support of the Annual Conference Mission Offering as we continue to show our strong support for God’s mission here in Virginia and around the world.
Scouting Silver Torch Award presented to Bishop Sharma D. Lewis
Higher Education’s Francis Asbury Award presented to the Rev. Dr. David M. Hindman
Updated 9/16/20 — A plan for regional kit collection is in the very beginning stages. Work is being done to identify a point-of-contact within each district who will be working with the Conference kit coordinators. Once that list is created, it will be made available and all questions should be directed to them. At this point, any kits that have been packed according to UMCOR guidelines should be kept where they are. Locations for pick-up will eventually be identified within each district. Further details will be shared as they are developed. Thank you for your patience.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is currently focusing efforts on Cleaning Kits (aka Flood Buckets), Hygiene Kits, and School Kits. Cleaning kits provide supplies to help individuals and families clean up after flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. Hygiene kits replace basic necessity items lost in a disaster such as toothbrushes, hand towels, and soap to help people stay clean and healthy. School kits include school supplies for children as they return to the classroom. Click on the kit name to see PDFs for specific item listing and assembly instructions.
If you prefer to make a financial contribution to enable UMCOR to purchase relief kits, you can contribute $75 for each cleaning kit; $12 for each health kit; and $11 for each school kit. Additionally, UMCOR asks for $1 per kit ($3 for cleaning buckets) to cover processing and shipping and $1 for toothpaste for each health kit. Please do NOT bring checks to Annual Conference. All checks (for processing and shipping, for toothpaste, and in lieu of providing kits) should be made payable to “Virginia Conference UMC,” earmarked for “kits” and mailed to Treasurer, Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 5605, Glen Allen, VA, 23058 any time prior to Annual Conference.
2020 Journal Order Form
The conference Journal is available in two forms: posted on as a free PDF. Sections will be posted as they are available and as a whole document once completed; as a regular or spiral-bound print copy for the cost of $25 (includes shipping). Request for printed copies must be made by November 1, 2020. Click here to download an order form (pdf). Questions may be directed to [email protected]
Annual Conference Logo
Click here to download a color, black and white, or gray scale logo