To submit news items, stories, or corrections for inclusion in the newsletter, email the conference Communications Office at [email protected].

Mark your 2025 calendars

The VAUMC should note some important dates coming up for local churches in the midst of appointment season.

Announcement Sunday (for appointments): April 27, 2025
Move date for clergy: June 25, 2025
“Laity of the Congregation” Sunday: June 29, 2025 *
First Sunday for New Clergy: July 6, 2025

*This Sunday, Bishop Sue and the Cabinet would like the laity of the congregation to lead worship.

Top Story

Hatching Faith Update: January 2025

The Lilly Endowment Inc., through The Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative, awarded the Virginia Conference a $1.25 million grant in October 2024 to support a project called Hatching Faith. This project is a cohort-based model that invites and equips teams from local churches to experiment with ways to include children (grades 5 and under) more fully in congregational worship. The teams must include pastoral leadership, volunteer or paid children’s ministry leader(s), and at least one family with children, with the children as an integral part of each team.

Each 12 month Hatching Faith Cohort will experience three phases:

In the Nesting phase, churches will assess their current culture, including their openness to experimentation, using the Innovation Culture Index created by the Center for Youth Ministry Training. Churches whose assessments indicate they are ready to begin the process will send teams to a training event where they will experience creative models for including children in worship, and learn from experts. Then, with the support of funding, monthly coaching, and quarterly cohort gatherings, the local church teams will begin to experiment in their local congregations.
In the Hatching phase, churches will identify the best results of their experimentation and begin to integrate them more fully into their congregational life.
In the Nurturing phase, churches will continue to develop and embed these practices into their congregational life.

In addition to training coaching, each cohort will have the support of a part-time Hatching Faith Cohort Coordinator, whose position is funded by the grant. The conference is pleased to announce that Rev. Jennifer Dickison Coffey will serve as the first coordinator. Jennifer serves part-time on the Mountain View District as Connecting Ministries Coordinator, and will add this new role alongside her current district work. As the number of cohorts increases over the next few years, the conference plans to hire two additional Cohort Coordinators to ensure that each cohort receives full support.

The goal is to include at least 100 churches in cohorts over the next 5 years. In 2025, with input from the Cabinet, a group of specific churches will be invited to begin the nesting phase, so that we can be attentive to including churches of all sizes, levels of diversity, and children’s ministry needs from across our conference. The first cohort provides us with an opportunity to more fully develop and hone the process so we are ready to open applications more broadly by fall of 2025 for churches that would like to join the second and third cohorts that kick off in 2026.

“We are excited to be working with Jennifer to organize the first training and to get the process underway,” Dwayne Stinson, conference Director of Discipleship and Congregational Vitality said.

Information about the application process for 2026 cohorts will be coming later in 2025. For more information, contact Hannah Bryn ([email protected]).

Featured Events

Lay Servant Academy 2025

Registration for Lay Servant Academy is open! Training weekend will be virtual only and will take place February 21st and 22nd. Courses will include standard courses such as The Basic Course and Preaching, in addition to Mission Encounter and CLM Orientation.

New this year! The Academy will also include a weekly Lenten course on the Sacraments during the season of Lent, as well as Ministry to the Forgotten; Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens to be offered on 5 consecutive Thursday evenings in February and March!

Clergy Day Apart

Hope is Here: A Day of Spiritual Renewal

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Shady Grove United Methodist (Mechanicsville)
Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed by all the things? Does your heart break for those who are suffering due to injustice and oppression, in whatever forms they take? Are you concerned about the planet and those impacted by natural disasters? Do you need a reminder that hope is here?

All clergy are invited to join us for a day of hope and spiritual renewal, engage in spiritual practices, and learn from Dr. Luther Smith. This unique event, coordinated by the Spiritual Formation team of the Board of Ordained Ministry, is a time for clergy to set aside all anxieties, stress, and concerns and to be present in the Hope of Jesus Christ. Learn More...

Posts for this week

Hope for Creation:

Building Resilience
& Advancing Climate Justice

By: Brian Christoffersen

We invite all to participate in the upcoming VAUMC Climate Summit: Hope in Action for Creation Justice on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at Randolph-Macon College.

As I sit in the warmth of my home, reflecting on the past year and the work God calls us to in the coming year, I am deeply troubled by the devastation to California and North Carolina driven by climate change-induced extreme weather events. These disasters have upended human and creature lives and are stark reminders of the urgent need to address the brokenness in our relationships and creation due to climate change. The increasing frequency and intensity of these extreme weather events underscore the pressing need for us to build resilient communities and sanctuaries that provide safe havens and places to recover for the most vulnerable and to be advocates for climate justice.

In the face of these challenges, I believe God calls us to be partners in the work of creation care, justice, and regeneration and to be a hope for creation . The Virginia United Methodist Church (VAUMC) is not just a bystander in this global crisis but a beacon of hope. We uniquely embody this hope by partnering with frontline climate justice advocates, forming collaborations, and taking meaningful actions to build resilient communities. Our actions through creation care and climate justice advocacy in your community or congregation are crucial in ensuring a hopeful future for all people and creation.

One practical way to begin is through establishing Climate Resilience Hubs in your community. These hubs are community-based centers that provide resources and support for climate disaster preparedness and recovery. By developing such hubs in our communities—and supporting their creation elsewhere—we can respond proactively to the increasing unpredictability and intensity of weather-related events. Recent disasters like the California wildfires, Hurricane Helene, and extreme winter cold temperatures highlight the urgent need for such initiatives. According to the California Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based resilience hub is a house of worship that equips congregants and neighbors to prepare for and recover from climate disasters.1 This concept aligns with the United Methodist Church’s historical commitment to disaster response, recovery, and creation care. Read more...

New DSes announced

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson is pleased to announce the appointment of two new District Superintendents to serve the Virginia Annual Conference beginning July 1, 2025: Rev. Lindsey Baynham Freeman will serve the Mission Rivers District and Rev. Kyungsuk Cho will serve the Shenandoah River District.
“Clergy and laity throughout the Annual Conference know the Revs. Baynham Freeman and Cho for their deep commitment to Christ and His Church, their reflection of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all that they do, and the many ways they lead in our UMC connection and their local churches,” Bishop Sue said. “Our conference will be very blessed as they assume these new roles.”
Bishop Sue is grateful to Rev. Dr. Charles Ledlum-Bates, outgoing Mission Rivers District Superintendent, and Rev. Dr. Victor Gomez, outgoing Shenandoah River District Superintendent and Dean of the Cabinet, for their service to The United Methodist Church in their roles.
Revs. Baynham Freeman and Cho will join Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert (Mountain View), Rev. Jay Carey (Living Waters), Rev. Doug Forrester (Valley Ridge), Rev. Beth Givens (Coastal Virginia), Rev. Dr. Hyo Lee (Three Notch’d), Rev. Kirk Nave (Northern Virginia), and Rev. Dr. Steve Summers (Assistant to the Bishop), on the appointive cabinet. They serve as extensions of the episcopal office in their respective districts, and they are charged with ensuring that vibrant communities of faith are available throughout the entire annual conference to transform lives and communities through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Bishop Sue invites the Virginia Conference to pray for these newly-appointed superintendents. They will attend Cabinet meetings starting in January 2025 to prepare them for their July 1 start date.

The VAUMC should also note some important dates coming up for local churches in the midst of appointment season.
Announcement Sunday (for appointments): April 27, 2025
Move date for clergy: June 25, 2025
“Laity of the Congregation” Sunday: June 29, 2025 *
First Sunday for New Clergy: July 6, 2025

*This Sunday, Bishop Sue and the Cabinet would like the laity of the congregation to lead worship.

Change announced to Active Clergy Health Benefit

Beginning January 1, 2026, the Virginia Conference will change how the Conference-sponsored health benefits for active clergy are funded. Currently, the majority of the funding for the active clergy health benefits comes from an apportionment. In 2026, the apportionment will be replaced by a flat amount that will be directly billed to churches for each health-plan eligible clergyperson. Local church leadership who have questions should first use the calculation tool below to assess what this change will mean for their own church. Any further questions may be directed to your District Superintendent. View video and calculation tool...

Looking for middle ground in a divisive era

UM NEWS---As President Trump returns to office, some United Methodists are preparing to respond to new policies, while others are hoping common ground is still possible amid hostility over immigration and other issues.
The Western North Carolina Conference’s Purple Church Initiative is trying to find a starting place for dialogue between conservative and progressive United Methodists.
A Duke University study of North Carolina churches found that United Methodism is still “a big tent” with politically diverse members, despite an exodus of churches over sexuality issues. Learn more...

Learn more about Clergy Group Spiritual Direction

As United Methodist clergy, we often ask others this question easily. But when was the last time someone asked you that question and you felt safe answering?
  • Do you long for a community where you can explore this question for yourself?
  • Do you long to walk with others who are seeking a deeper awareness of God’s presence?
We each desire to see and be seen, know and be known, and love and be loved. But how do we do this, especially in a divided world?
Group Spiritual Direction can be that space. It offers a safe space to explore, notice, question, share, and listen in company with people who desire similar things. This opportunity is for clergy who would like to grow, engage, and listen deeply in a small group hosted by a Spiritual Director or Companion. Together, we will meet each person in their journey without attempting to fix, judge, or rescue one another. If you desire to deepen your Spiritual life in community, Group Spiritual Direction might be for you. During the next five to six months, Group Spiritual Direction will be offered to VAUMC clergy. Participating in a group requires a deep commitment to one’s spiritual journey and to the other participants. Participants agree to participate wholeheartedly in the group process through consistent attendance, prayerful listening, and holy response to others. To learn more about Group Spiritual Direction contact:
Rev. Scott Hopkins,
Rev. Kimberly Barker-Brugman,
or Rev. Bruce Lugn

Send in nominations for Harry Denman, One Matters awards

The Virginia Annual Conference is now accepting nominations for The Harry Denman Evangelism Award for Clergy, Laity and Youth.
The Harry Denman Evangelism Award recognizes a person whose life and ministry exemplifies the teaching of Christ and the Great Commission. Recipients of these awards, nominated by their local church and selected by the Annual Conference, live their call to “Offer Them Christ” daily as modeled by Dr. Harry Denman, founder of The Foundation for Evangelism that sponsors these awards.
The Virginia Annual Conference Board of Discipleship is accepting applications for the “One Matters Discipleship Award.” This award will be given to a church with significant improvement of baptisms and professions of faith.

Learn more...

Support California in disaster relief

UMCOR is communicating with the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church and preparing to support relief and recovery efforts once the fires have been contained. Right now, we encourage you to continue to pray, give, and stay connected as the conference assesses their immediate needs.

Give to California-Pacific Conference fire recovery fund

Give to UMCOR U.S. Disaster Response and Recovery...

Save the Date for VAUMC Climate Summit -Mar. 8

Stakeholders in VA Conference UMC, including conference boards & related agencies, districts & churches, to connect & learn why they are key to the VAUMC response to God’s call for Climate & Racial Justice, Sustainability in Climate Change, & The Net Zero by 2050 Resolution.

Youth are encouraged to join (individually or as a youth group) and will have workshop sessions designed specifically for teens on the theme of faith + science and Creation Care.
Theme: Thinking & Action: How we as the Virginia United Methodist Church rethinking our understanding & action around Climate change/justice & its intersection with racial justice.
Learn More...

Send in applications for YSF grants

The VAUMC Youth Council is now accepting applications for grants from The Youth Service Fund (YSF).
YSF is the national United Methodist mission fund supported by youth. Through YSF, United Methodist teens raise money for other teens doing ministry in their churches and communities impacting poverty, illiteracy, absenteeism and social justice.
A portion of the funds raised by the youth council each year remains with the conference to support ministry within churches of the annual conference.
Grants of up to $1500 are available.
The deadline to apply is March 3, and churches will hear by April 7. Ministries have one year to use the funds. Additional leadership development and training for the youth leading projects that receive grants will be available throughout the year. Learn more...

Save the Date: Discernment Day

Is God nudging you to do more? Do you think God is calling you, but you’re not sure how to answer?
By virtue of our baptisms, we are all called by God in a myriad of ways – as laity serving in local churches, missionaries serving abroad, meeting the needs of the local community, to the set-apart ministry of the licensed and ordained and so much more.

March 15, 2025 : Ebenezer UMC, Stafford
Discernment Day is an opportunity for you to explore your sense of call with others who are discerning. Through prayer practices, age appropriate small groups, and topical discussion groups, you will be provided space to learn more, connect with others, and discern your next steps. Learn more...

GBHEM scholarships available

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) scholarship application portal is open for United Methodist students seeking scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study at colleges, universities and seminaries in the United States. Potential scholarships awarded range from $500 to $1,200, on average. The deadline to complete the application is Monday, March 31, 2025. Email [email protected] for more information. Learn more...

Join UMVIM Team Leader Training -Feb. 2025

Join the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Team Leader Training on
Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Wellspring UMC,
4871 Longhill Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188.

This training is for individuals who have attended at least one UMVIM trip and who are ready to take a deeper dive into servant leadership and leading UMVIM teams. This training will be led by Kip Robinson, senior UMVIM trainer.

Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. with light refreshments available, and the class will begin promptly at 9 a.m. with breaks in between. Registration for the class is $20, and lunch will be provided. The deadline to register is Friday, January 31, 2025. Sign up...

Once you have registered, an online training manual is available . If you desire a printed copy, we ask that you print and bring it with you in whatever format you prefer. Additionally, we ask for you to bring a little team spirit and a servant’s heart!

For further questions, please contact Kip Robinson ([email protected], 804.539.2494). We look forward to having you and serving alongside you!

Register for mentor training

There will be a mentor training for all current and new candidacy mentors and local pastor mentors on February 11, 2025 at 10 a.m. on Zoom. Register...

If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Dr. Jason Stanley, the Director for Call & Candidacy, at [email protected].

Other VAUMC Communications Channels


Find churches and individuals giving away free items by subscribing to the Top 5 newsletter or visiting the conference website.

Email subscriptions

You can find jobs available around the connection at the conference website or by subscribing to the jobs newsletter (released twice a week).
See all VAUMC subscriptions at the link.

Public Notice Board

Clergy and laity can crowdsource for ideas and resources within the connection through the Public Notice Board. Find the newest notices and share your question or find past queries at the conference website.
Also find free items for giveaway at the conference website.
Please send in questions you have that you would like to find answers to: [email protected].
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