To submit news items, stories, or corrections for inclusion in the newsletter, email the conference Communications Office at [email protected].
Top Stories
Community lost to fire had deep Methodist roots
The Palisades fire, which has burned an area larger than the island of Manhattan, has left much of Pacific Palisades in ruins, including Community United Methodist Church. A predecessor of what is now the California-Pacific Conference was instrumental in founding the Pacific Palisades coastal community in 1921. The Rev. Catie Coots offers the history while also mourning the Los Angeles wildfires’ destruction, which also claimed Altadena United Methodist Church. The fires have killed at least 24 people. Read more...
2024 Grant Award winners announced by VAUMC Grantmaking Cooperative
UMCOR is communicating with the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church and preparing to support relief and recovery efforts once the fires have been contained. Right now, we encourage you to continue to pray, give, and stay connected as the conference assesses their immediate needs.
Featured Events
Registration ends Friday-United Methodist Day
Registration for UM Day closes on January 17, 2025. United Methodists advocate for neighbors by meeting with their representatives! We learn about issues that are facing people all across the commonwealth. We connect with each other, meeting friends old and new! We celebrate our United Methodist faith that values justice, advocacy, and compassion.
All are invited, especially if you can't attend UM Day but would like your voice to be heard, to fill out the "Policy Issue Interest Survey" for folks who haven't yet registered to give organizers an idea of what they are interested in advocating for at UM Day.
- Registration closes on January 17, 2025 - $35
- Student Registration - $10
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Heather Wray at [email protected].
Lay Servant Academy 2025
Registration for Lay Servant Academy is open! Training weekend will be virtual only and will take place February 21st and 22nd. Courses will include standard courses such as The Basic Course and Preaching, in addition to Mission Encounter and CLM Orientation.
New this year! The Academy will also include a weekly Lenten course on the Sacraments during the season of Lent, as well as Ministry to the Forgotten; Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens to be offered on 5 consecutive Thursday evenings in February and March! Registration: https://vaumc.org/layservantacademy/
Clergy Day Apart to be held March 12
The Spiritual Formation team of the Board of Ordained Ministry are planning for a Clergy Day Apart for Wednesday, March 12 at Shady Grove UMC, Mechanicsville. The theme will be "Hope is Here: A Day of Spiritual Renewal." More information to be shared as it becomes available.
New president announced for AAMA
Rev. Jiyeon Kim was elected as the next president of Asian American Ministers Association (AAMA) of Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church during the business meeting at their annual clergy retreat on December 27, 2024. Her 3-year term began January 1, 2025, and will go until December 31, 2027. AAMA strives to "connect, equip, and advocate" for the Asian American pastors in VAUMC.
Save the Date: Discernment Day
Is God nudging you to do more? Do you think God is calling you, but you’re not sure how to answer?
By virtue of our baptisms, we are all called by God in a myriad of ways – as laity serving in local churches, missionaries serving abroad, meeting the needs of the local community, to the set-apart ministry of the licensed and ordained and so much more.
March 15, 2025 : Ebenezer UMC, Stafford
Discernment Day is an opportunity for you to explore your sense of call with others who are discerning. Through prayer practices, age appropriate small groups, and topical discussion groups, you will be provided space to learn more, connect with others, and discern your next steps. Learn more...
GBHEM scholarships available
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) scholarship application portal is open for United Methodist students seeking scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study at colleges, universities and seminaries in the United States. Potential scholarships awarded range from $500 to $1,200, on average. The deadline to complete the application is Monday, March 31, 2025. Email [email protected] for more information. Learn more...
Register for mentor training
There will be a mentor training for all current and new candidacy mentors and local pastor mentors on February 11, 2025 at 10 a.m. on Zoom. Register...
If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Dr. Jason Stanley, the Director for Call & Candidacy, at [email protected].
Save the Date for VAUMC Climate Summit -Mar. 8
Stakeholders in VA Conference UMC, including conference boards & related agencies, districts & churches, to connect & learn why they are key to the VAUMC response to God’s call for Climate & Racial Justice, Sustainability in Climate Change, & The Net Zero by 2050 Resolution.
Youth are encouraged to join (individually or as a youth group) and will have workshop sessions designed specifically for teens on the theme of faith + science and Creation Care.
Theme: Thinking & Action: How we as the Virginia United Methodist Church rethinking our understanding & action around Climate change/justice & its intersection with racial justice.
Join UMVIM Team Leader Training -Feb. 2025
Join the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Team Leader Training on
Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Wellspring UMC,
4871 Longhill Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188.
This training is for individuals who have attended at least one UMVIM trip and who are ready to take a deeper dive into servant leadership and leading UMVIM teams. This training will be led by Kip Robinson, senior UMVIM trainer.
Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. with light refreshments available, and the class will begin promptly at 9 a.m. with breaks in between. Registration for the class is $20, and lunch will be provided. The deadline to register is Friday, January 31, 2025. Sign up...
Once you have registered, an online training manual is available . If you desire a printed copy, we ask that you print and bring it with you in whatever format you prefer. Additionally, we ask for you to bring a little team spirit and a servant’s heart!
For further questions, please contact Kip Robinson ([email protected], 804.539.2494). We look forward to having you and serving alongside you!
Learn about LEAD (HER): Empowering female clergy conference
A new conference for women in Pastoral Leadership is now available. Women face unique challenges and opportunities as leaders in the church. Join other women dedicated to addressing those challenges head-on while celebrating the invaluable gifts women bring to the table. Hear inspiring leaders share their stories, while equipping you for the complexities of leadership in the church today. Deepen your skills through practical breakout sessions on setting boundaries, navigating conflict, balancing competing values, and more. Discover a supportive network of fellow clergywomen and forge lasting friendships in a safe space marked by diversity and inclusivity.
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday, April 30, 2025 | 9:00 am – 11:45 am
Resurrection UMC, Leawood, Kansas
Join Virginia celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
All are welcome to join with bishops, ecumenical officers and representatives of judicatories across Virginia to pray for unity hosted by the Virginia LARCUM Committee.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 7:30 p.m. Saint Bernadette Catholic Church 7600 Old Keene Mill Road Springfield, VA 22152
Ways for churches to celebrate Martin Luther King Day
Every third Monday in January, we commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a preacher and civil rights leader, by celebrating the achievements of the Civil Rights Movement and reaffirming our commitment to justice, equality, and reconciliation. Explore ways your church can honor his legacy and inspire your community. Learn more...
Other VAUMC Communications Channels
Public Notice Board
Clergy and laity can crowdsource for ideas and resources within the connection through the Public Notice Board. Find the newest notices and share your question or find past queries at the conference website. Also find free items for giveaway at the conference website.
Please send in questions you have that you would like to find answers to: [email protected].