August 2024 * Volume 25, Issue 3
President's Message by David Collins
Greetings to all men and people of the Virginia Conference. I am excited about beginning this new season in United Methodist Men’s ministry. I know that with God leading us and by working together, we will accomplish much for the Kingdom of God.
I am honored to serve as your president. I want to bring you up to date on men's ministry in Virginia. The Virginia Conference UMM has a strategic planning team in place which is working on our mission, vision, and values. Following that, they will be working on our objectives and goals. This is a big task, but it is important to know who we are and where we are going.
At the 2024 Annual Meeting in Hampton, the 2024-2025 slate of officers were elected and installed. The offices of Vice President, Spiritual Life and Secretary were open at the time. I am pleased to share that nominees have been submitted, and we have called a special election for you to vote. Keep reading for more details on the special election and the 2024 Annual Meeting.
I thank all who have been elected or nominated to serve our Lord at the conference level. I look forward to serving with the Executive Committee and Cabinet to grow men’s ministry in Virginia. Our Executive Committee consists of our elected officers and any appointed positions by the president. Our Cabinet consists of our Conference leadership, Executive Committee, district presidents/points of contact, and ministry advocates.
I especially want to recognize and thank Gary Lupton, Jr. and Albert Weal, Jr. who have concluded full terms of office on the Cabinet. Gary served as our treasurer for over four years and kept our books in order. Congratulations to Albert, our past president, as he begins serving as president of the Southeastern Jurisdiction UMM.
I look forward to being in ministry with each of you. I’ll keep you up to date concerning the progress of our objectives and goals. This is important so that we are grounded.
If you have an interest in being a part of our Conference United Methodist Men’s ministry, contact me and we’ll talk. As brothers in Christ, we will walk side by side.
Annual Election of Officers Please Vote
VP Spiritual Life and Secretary
Please vote today for the offices of Vice President, Spiritual Life and Secretary. Both offices were open at the 2024 VAC UMM Annual Meeting. Nominations received at the Annual Meeting have been approved.
The Cabinet has called a special election. Please vote now. The voting period starts now and ends at midnight on Friday, August 30, 2024.
United Methodist Men at all levels of the Virginia Conference, including all clergy, are eligible to vote. Please encourage the members of your local fellowships and districts to vote.
Vice President, Spiritual Life Joseph Moseray Year of service if elected: First Church: Galloway UMC District: Northern Virginia Email: [email protected]
Nominated for Secretary Tyrek Person Year of service if elected: First Church: Aldersgate UMC District: Coastal Virginia Email: [email protected]
2024 VAC UMM Annual Meeting
A New Cabinet
Rev. David Vaughan installs David Collins and Stephen Spurr during the Annual Meeting
The Virginia Conference United Methodist Men and guests met at First UMC Fox Hill in Hampton on June 21st for breakfast and the 2024 Annual Meeting. VAC UMM extends a special thank you to the men of First UMC Fox Hill for preparing a delicious breakfast and the use of their facilities.
Rebecca Huff and Sara Becker of Heart Havens presented the Brian Manwiller Award to Calvary UMC (Valley Ridge District). Heart Havens presents the “In His Grip” award annually to a group or an individual for exemplary service and/or support of Heart Havens and the men and women in its programs. Brian Manwiller served as president of the VAC UMM from 2004 until his death in April of 2006. A strong advocate for Heart Havens, Brian had a passion for including young men with developmental disabilities at St. Stephens UMC in Burke and at UMM conference activities.
Andrew Kissell, Nominations Chair, presented the nominations report. Officers were elected and installed during the meeting:
- David Collins – President (Coastal Virginia District; first year of service)
- Bob Longworth – Vice-President, Membership (Coastal Virginia District; fourth year of service)
- Robert Zarp – Treasurer (Coastal Virginia District; first year of service)
- Steven Spurr – Chaplain (Shenandoah River District; second year of service)
Nominations were submitted for Joseph Moseray of the Northern Virginia District for Vice President, Spiritual Life and for Tyrek Person of the Coastal Virginia District for Secretary. These nominations have been vetted. We encourage all men of the Virginia Conference to vote for these nominees.
Rev. Grace Hahn of Trinity UMC in Alexandria gave inspiring remarks “The Unity of Spirit in the Bonds of Peace” based on Ephesians 4:1-6.
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Thank You, Bill
A Change in Scouting Leadership
Bill Chaffin, coordinator of Scouting Ministries for the Virginia Conference for nearly a decade, stepped down from that position as of July 1, 2024. The Virginia Conference United Methodist Men recognize and thank Bill for his many years of service to scouting.
During his term, Bill promoted Scouting Ministry as an outreach of the church to youth. He is passionate about Scouting Ministry, Big Brothers Big Sisters, P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth), and programs that reach out to youth and children.
“The stated mission [of scouting] is to ‘prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law’,’” Chaffin said. “Youth are trained in responsible citizenship, character development and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations.”
Bill guided scouting in the Virginia Conference through the Covid-19 pandemic. He helped us celebrate the 2020 centennial of the relationship between the Boy Scouts and the United Methodist Church. He represented Virginia at the UM Scouter Training weeks in Philmont, NM.
Chaffin promoted Scout Sundays as a time of celebration of scouting and the UMC. “Celebrate Scouting for what it is, a ministry that’s strong in The United Methodist Church, one that’s doing the best it can in a fast-paced world to educate and develop a moral, ethical, reverent culture for young men and women,” Chaffin said.
We welcome Alan Webber as the new Scouting Coordinator for the Virginia Conference. Please contact Alan by email at [email protected] or by phone 757-362-8919.
Mr. Fix-it
Reflections from 2024 SEJ Conference
I hadn't really wanted to drive my 2008 Mustang to Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference (JC) four hundred and fifty miles away in western North Carolina. But the Jurisdiction only reimbursed for mileage, not a rental car, and I couldn't negotiate a carpool with another Virginia delegate. From my home in Virginia Beach, it's over 8 hours of driving... alone each way. Even though we would not be electing bishops at this year's SEJ JC, our Lay Leader, Martha Stokes, had convinced me it was well worth coming- and she was right- it was! The fellowship with United Methodist delegates is special.
Our best preachers often become bishops. With vision and spirit, they lead us! The preaching from bishops during worship and the teaching associated with the "Three Practice Circles" were superlative, and I needed to be there. 3PC is similar to Racial Healing Circles, a prescribed way of having difficult conversations effectively and compassionately. Every one of those bishops gave a timely and timeless sermon both heart rending and on point. Watch for video links at www.sejumc.org/sejumc2024. The sermon I needed the most personally was Bishop L. Jonathan Holston's closing sermon. Bishop Holston, along with Bishop Leonard Fairley, will be serving as our leaders beginning in September for the GCUMM, succeeding Bishops Swanson and Mueller.
The battery light had been alternating between on and off in that Mustang while driving around Lake Junaluska, so I was somewhat distracted thinking about that long drive home during Bishop Holston's sermon on Friday morning. We were to be dismissed before noon, and the preacher covered a lot of ground, but what stuck with me was his admonition against treating God exclusively as our "Mr. Fix-it": only calling on God when we're in trouble as an intercessor; relying on God only partially - whenever I need something, rarely when everything is going fine. So, after JC ended, I headed out toward an auto supply store to have them check my battery. My battery light was still on and I was barely off church property when my car died at a stop light. I turned on the emergency flashers, and the driver behind me suggested that the repair shop to my left about 50 yards should be able to help. Sure enough, the mechanic brought a portable battery over, got that car restarted and drove it over to his shop. Within an hour they had fixed my electrical problem.
My spiritual problem was also being worked on. I realized that alternating between relying on God / Mr. Fix-it for the troubles and then praising God for the joys and successes and blessings was the right way to operate. Forgetting or dismissing God when times were good was dead (battery) wrong! Counting your blessings in prayer is always the best place to start in building that relationship with God. I discovered, thanks to Bishop Holston, that the problem with my car was the same one with my faith. I needed a new, properly functioning alternator!
Andrew Kissell Virginia Conference Delegate Southeastern Jurisdiction Conference [email protected]
Words to Live By
Have No Fear
“God is greater than all. Whether globalization … or the chaos…, God is greater than all. So, God may be trusted in all situations. Have faith in God. Have no fear”
In continued efforts to fulfill the Virginia Conference goal of having Connectional Ministries become a greater resource to districts, laity and clergy, United Methodist Men are now partnered with Virginia UM clergy. Clergy, you are receiving the Beacon newsletter as part of your Virginia Conference connection.