Please join the Virginia Conference UMM on Tuesday, November 15 at 6:30 PM for a Love, Learn, and Lead webinar on Healing Circles with the Rev. Dr. Rick Vance of the General Commission on United Methodist Men.
Healing Circles are a tool for working towards inclusion and equity. Healing Circles offers the opportunity for communities to build relationships and engage in authentic, honest conversations about racism, the cruelties of slavery, and ways to recognize and remedy present injustices. The Healing Circles process is designed to go deeper into the heart space so that we can tell our stories and also listen to the stories of others. This building of trust can lead to transformed hearts and communities.
We welcome the Rev. Dr. Rick Vance, Director of Operations at GCUMM, as our facilitator. Since joining the commission, Vance has published resources in leadership, discipleship and gender-based violence prevention. He leads workshops and conferences focusing on leadership, discipleship and men’s ministry.
Please join us on November 15 to learn more about Healing Circles, how to have difficult conversations, and how to find common ground so that we can talk to each other such that communities are transformed.
Tuesday, November 15 at 6:30 PM EST
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Webinar recordings from previous Love, Learn, and Lead webinars are posted on our website https://vaumc.org/UMM.