The Rev. Dr. Steven Summers
Please join us on Tuesday, July 19 at 6:30 PM for a Love, Learn, and Lead webinar on the Common Table with the Rev. Dr. Steven Summers.
The Common Table for Church Vitality (“Common Table”) exists to resource mission and ministry to fulfill the conference mission and vision. As a diverse body of representatives, the Common Table coordinates with Boards and Agencies, assists in the disbursement of ministry and program grants, and oversees the personnel of the Annual Conference offices that are under its guidance. Come and learn how the Common Table helps United Methodist Men minister effectively.
We welcome the Rev. Dr. Steven Summers, Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Connectional Ministries. as our speaker. Dr. Summers has served churches of all sizes in the Virginia Conference, was the past president of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration, and has served as a District Superintendent. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond, Virginia Union University School of Theology (MDiv), and Drew University (DMin). As a disciple of Jesus Christ and a trained coach, his passion is to co-actively journey with all God’s children towards positive adaptive change as we continually learn and influence others to serve God and community. We welcome him as a great friend of the Virginia Conference United Methodist Men.
Tuesday, July 19 at 6:30 PM EDT
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Webinar recordings from previous Love, Learn, and Lead webinars are posted on our website https://vaumc.org/UMM.