
Special Notice from Virginia Conference
United Methodist Men

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Please plan to join the VA Conference UMMen for “Let's Talk About Racism & What We Can Do About It!”, a Love, Learn, and Lead webinar on Tuesday evening, March 16, 2021 from 6:30 PM EDT to 8:30 PM EDT. Mark your calendars now for this forum. All are welcome.

On January 6 after the violent event at the US Capitol, the Council of Bishops endorsed a letter from Bishop LaTrelle Easterling of the Baltimore-Washington Conference condemning “…all the forces that led to the unprecedented insurrection today — forces of hate, of white supremacy, of distorted self-interest, and abuse of power.”

As shared at a recent Southeastern Jurisdiction training session for over 400 elected delegates on issues affecting the UMC, it was individual United Methodist Men, more than anyone else, who complained about this letter from the Council of Bishops.
That's why the Virginia Conference UMM is sponsoring this forum.

Andrew Kissell, president of the Southeastern Jurisdiction UMM and past president of the VA Conference UMM, will moderate a panel discussion with
  • The Rev. Reason Chandler, Jackson St. UMC, Lynchburg VA
  • The Rev. Brenda Laws, Greenbackville Charge, New Church VA
  • The Rev. Larry Jent, Grace UMC (Hartwood), Fredericksburg VA
  • The Rev. Jeff Mickle, Alexandria District Superintendent
Participants will have the opportunity to ask speakers questions as part of the forum.

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