
VA Conference UMM Annual Meeting
Saturday, June 26 at 9 AM EDT

Topic: VA Conference UMM Annual Meeting
Time: June 26, 2021 9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Please join us for the online VA Conference UMM 2021 Annual Meeting on Saturday morning, June 26 at 9:00 am EDT.

Please invite all men in your church to the 2021 Annual Meeting. Please gather with your local UMM fellowships or districts, if possible, to join the Annual Meeting online, following all guidelines from the Technical Assistance Manual and your church’s Post-COVID Re-entry Group.

Gil Hanke, general secretary of the General Commission on United Methodist Men, is our featured speaker. A native of Arlington, VA and graduate of Lynchburg College, Gil has served as the top staff executive of GCUMM since 2010 and recently announced his upcoming retirement.

The 2021 Annual Meeting will also include an update on men’s ministry in the Virginia Conference and plans for the upcoming year. We will also install Cabinet officers for the 2021-2022 term of office.