May 2021 * Volume 22, Issue 5
President’s Message by Albert Weal, Jr.
The Spirit Moves
Are you waiting anxiously for the Holy Spirit to come?
And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:2)
Over the span of seven weeks, the Apostle Peter was transformed. Peter had followed Jesus to Jerusalem, celebrated Passover with Jesus in the Upper Room, and declared that he would lay down his life for the Lord (John 13:36-38). He then denies that he knows Jesus three times and watches as Jesus is crucified. A few days later, Peter went to the tomb to discover rolled-up linen wrappings.
But then, the Risen Jesus appeared to Peter and the disciples. Life would never be normal again. When Peter and the disciples were gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost, he recognized that the violent wind was the coming of the very Holy Spirit that Jesus had promised in the Upper Room. Peter declared, “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” (Acts 2:36)
The Spirit comes. The Spirit moves among us. Is the Spirit moving within you?
I am excited to announce that Gil Hanke, general secretary of GCUMM, will be our featured speaker at our Annual Meeting on June 26 at 9am EDT. Please invite the men in your churches and gather with your local fellowships, if possible, to share time with Gil.
The Nominations Committee is seeking nominees for Vice President of Membership & Development and Secretary. I really encourage you to pray if you are called to serve in these positions. Is the Spirit moving inside you? Please contact Andrew Kissell for more information.
So much can happen when the Spirit moves among us. GCUMM is offering virtual training on Understanding Men’s Ministry. Men in the Spirit face masks are still available. Keep reading!
Albert Weal, Jr., President
Virtual Understanding Men’s Ministry Training
May 18, 20, & 25 at 6:30 PM EDT
6:30pm – 9:30pm Eastern Time
Understanding Men’s Ministry training offers a flexible model to support and develop men spiritually, regardless of where they currently are in their faith walk. The course objective is to generate interest and capacity in local churches for effective men's ministry. The model shows essential building blocks and describes the program elements needed to implement the model. At the very heart is the Create – Capture – Sustain engine which empowers the ministry system.
Please take advantage of this exciting training opportunity.
Center for Men’s Ministries
Is the Spirit Prodding You?
VP for Membership & Development and Secretary Nominees Needed
The Nominations Committee of the Virginia Conference United Methodist Men is seeking nominees for Vice President for Membership & Development and Secretary for the 2021-2022 term of office. If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate a candidate, please contact Andrew Kissell at [email protected].
The Vice President for Membership & Development encourages chartering of local UMM fellowships; provides direction, oversight, and encouragement to ministry advocates and district presidents; and supports SEJ and GCUMM initiatives for men’s ministry. Please click here for the full job description.
The Secretary records and distributes proceedings of Cabinet meetings, Executive Committee Meetings, and the Annual Business meeting; compiles the VA UMM Cabinet roster; and maintains the VA Conference UMM calendar. Please click here for the full job description.
Is the Holy Spirit nudging you to serve on the VA UMM Cabinet? Are you being called to serve?
Elections will be held in June before the Annual Meeting on June 26. Please watch your email for more information.
VA Conference UMM Annual Meeting | Saturday, June 26 at 9 AM EDT
Gil Hanke of GCUMM to Speak
Mark your calendars now for the online 2021 Annual Meeting on Saturday morning, June 26 at 9:00 am EDT.
We strongly encourage you to invite all men in your church to the 2021 Annual Meeting. Please gather with your local UMM fellowships or districts, if possible, to join the Annual Meeting online, following all guidelines from the Technical Assistance Manual and your church’s Healthy Church Team.
Gil Hanke, general secretary of the General Commission on United Methodist Men, is our featured speaker. A native of Arlington, VA and graduate of Lynchburg College, Gil has served as the top staff executive of GCUMM since 2010 and recently announced his upcoming retirement.
Bishop James Swanson Sr., president of GCUMM, stated, “Gil’s strong personal Christian witness and his deep devotion to men developing an on-growing relationship with Jesus Christ has fueled our ministry with and for men across the globe.”
Gil is currently guiding GCUMM to implement a vision of men’s ministry where men are involved in leadership development, church renewal, ministry with the poor, and global health.
The Virginia Conference UMM will provide Gil Hanke with a gift to thank him for his years of service to GCUMM. If you would like to contribute to this gift or to VA Conference UMM supported ministries, please mail a check payable to the Virginia Conference UMM to:
The 2021 Annual Meeting will also include an update on men’s ministry in the Virginia Conference and plans for the upcoming year. We will also install Cabinet officers for the 2021-2022 term of office.
Support All God’s Children Camp Campers
Care Packages Needed by June 1
Although All God's Children Camp will be canceled this summer, camp leaders will be reaching out and ministering with our camp families by sending resources and care packages. If you would like to get involved check out the opportunities below.
Care Package List: All packages are due by June 1
- Jump rope
- Hand size nerf ball of your choice
- Sidewalk chalk
- Crayons
- Activity paper/construction paper
- Kids puzzle book/workbook/coloring books
- Individual size snacks of your choice-no chocolate candy or peanuts
- $25.00 grocery gift card
You or a group of people can put together one or more care packages for our All God's Children Camp campers. You may also send monetary donations to the address below to help support this ministry. If you live in the Richmond area, contact Lori Smith at [email protected] to make arrangements for delivery. If you live outside the Richmond area, please mail care packages to:
Virginia United Methodist Conference Center
All God’s Children Camp campers are children, ages 7 to 12, who have an incarcerated parent.
Director, All God's Children Camp
The Virginia Conference of
The United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 5606, Glen Allen, VA 23058
Support VA Conference UMM Ministries
Men in the Spirit UMM Masks Available
Men in the Spirit face masks are still available, but supply is running out.
In return for a donation of $10 or more to the Virginia Conference UMM, you’ll receive a Men in the Spirit face mask as our expression of thanks.
The Virginia Conference UMM supports ministries including Heart Havens, All God’s Children, Camp Rainbow, Scouting, and the Society of St. Andrew. To help us support these ministries in 2021, please send a donation payable to Virginia Conference UMM to:
Show your spirit! Wear the VA Conference UMM face mask.
Renegades | Barak Obama and Bruce Springsteen Talk
Topics Include Masculinity and Fatherhood
Each episode on Spotify is approximately 45-50 minutes.
Listen now.
Online Shopping at the Virginia Conference UMM Store
Weekly Specials
Specials are offered every week. Pricing shown is retail; discounts are shown at checkout.
There is no limit to how much you can save. Every dollar helps to support ministries of the VA Conference United Methodist Men including:
- Heart Havens
- All God’s Children
- Camp Rainbow
- Scouting
- Society of St. Andrew
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything.”
G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
In continued efforts to fulfill the Virginia Conference goal of having Connectional Ministries become a greater resource to districts, laity and clergy, United Methodist Men are now partnered with Virginia UM clergy. Clergy, you are receiving the Beacon newsletter as part of your Virginia Conference connection.